by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.



The coffee transformation is a set of unusual changes that occur when one does at least three coffee enemas per week and preferably one to four enemas daily. These are recent observations (December 2022) and we are still learning much about them.


The effects are largely at the genetic level. This means that chemicals in the coffee, when used in a rectal implant, are able to activate genes that normally remain inactive in most people.

These genes are found in the roughly 97.5% of our DNA that scientists mislabel as 'junk DNA' or 'non-coding DNA'. Both these labels are untrue!

In fact, scientists have only decoded about 2.5% of our DNA. The rest is inactive in most people. It is usually tightly coiled up, so it is much more difficult to study. As a result, it has not been decoded. Coffee used in enemas is somehow able to 'wake up' or activate some of this DNA and this improves health and well-being.


I am told that the DNA is arranged in specific “chapters” or areas. I am also told that the genes that cause development are found in an area of the so-called 'junk DNA' that is considered a physical area.

The coffee effect is to activate genes in a different area of the DNA. This area is called non-physical or spiritual. It activates genes that are related to the seventh energy center, which is the most spiritual area of the body.

The effect of the coffee is to “wake up” or activate some of the more important temples, as they are called, that make up the seventh energy center. I am told there are 72 of these temples They correlate with the 72 names of God that are found in some Hebrew texts and some others, as well.


The effects of regular use of coffee enemas appear to be:

- Improved cognition or thinking. The brain appears to grow larger and the sulci or ridges on the surface of the brain deepen. This improves intelligence and other brain qualities.

- Better attitudes. For some reason, the regular uses of coffee enemas helps one overcome neuroses, fixations and other nervous system imbalances.

- A stronger body. Regular coffee enemas has a general strengthening effect upon all body tissues.

The transformative effects of regular coffee enemas is a research project. We plan to report our future findings in this article.

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