by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The Functions Of The Ring

III. Damage And Healing Of The Ring




The ring stage of development is when the ring of a man's penis or of a woman's vagina begins to spin fast to the right.

The ring is a rather large circular or ring-shaped structure located just behind the head of the penis and just in front of the back of the vagina of a woman. There is a thickening of the penis and vagina at the ring.

This ring is actually a black hole. It is a group of advanced souls who work together to convert matter into energy and energy into matter. This is the definition of a black hole, as are found in space. The ring is a small version of the same thing.

How long? It usually takes at least 50 to 100 years on the development program for one to reach the ring stage.


Reaching the ring stage helps with charging. In fact, the rapid spinning of the ring to the right by itself causes some charging. This is important because when charging occurs, it circulates an energy called the jing, which is very healing. For details, read Jing and Charging.


Doing coffee enemas speeds up reaching the ring stage. In fact, it speeds it up a lot. So if you want to reach this stage faster, do several coffee enemas each day and sit and sleep with bags of coffee around your legs.


Purification. The ring functions early in life to purify the sexual secretions coming from the man to the woman so that she is not as harmed by them. However, the ring cannot prevent all harm to a woman by having regular sex with orgasm and fluid. Using a condom helps if it blocks the fluid.

Relationships. If and when one develops, the ring begins to take on a new role. It participates in man-woman relationships, helping them to work better. This requires the fast right spin, which is starting to occur at the ring stage of development.

A communication device. The ring is a communication device between men and women. It is also a conduit of energy through which a healing energy flows from the man to the woman and then back to the man.

Real sexuality. This communication is real sexuality. It is an energetic joining or blending. Sticking the penis inside a woman is not real sexuality. That is more like a beating.

Intuition. When the ring is activated or healed, one gains a certain ability to intuit or better understand many kinds of situations. It is a form of guidance that is excellent and very needed by everyone.

One of the main reason why humans on earth need The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures is because the ring is damaged and not active.


The alien group on earth called the crap, thugs or Rogues damage the ring in most everyone early in life. They do this using the baby rapes and beatings, though most people are not aware of it.

Poisoning. They put toxins on the ring during the baby rapes that poison the entire area.

Disease. The thugs also introduce a lot of disease to this area of the body, particularly in women. These mainly sexually-transmitted diseases weaken the area and interfere with its activity.

This is a critical reason to be careful with ALL sexual activity. Take precautions against disease, even with your marriage partner. Unprotected sex these days is always a bad idea!

See below for healing of these diseases.

Mental and emotional trauma and damage. This is extremely damaging for the ring. The thugs or crap purposely frighten, terrorize, humiliate, embarrass, verbally abuse and cause emotional and mental damage in dozens of ways.

Nutritional damage. They also stress babies and children, causing severe nutritional damage. Most people are not aware of how damaging stress is to the body.

Beatings and rapes. They also beat the area. Rapes and beatings to this area of the body cause a loss of special souls who should live in the ring and who operate it. Beating or battery drives some of them out of the body.

Then the thugs capture these souls and take them far away in space and imprison them or kill them. All of this is a horrible crime.

As a result, in most adults the ring does not function properly. This interferes a lot with man-woman relationships.

Healing. Excellent nutrition, rest, reflexology, coffee enemas and the entire development program help heal the ring. Psychodrama, which is play-acting of trauma situations, can also help.

The development program, and especially The Vaginal Peroxide Implant and Penis Peroxide Procedure can heal the diseases in the area. Vaginal coffee implants and Penis Coffee Implants are also superb for healing this area of the body.

A loving attitude. A loving attitude also brings back the ring. This is extremely important to know. Hatred destroys the ring. Let it go!!!

A loving attitude, for some reason, has a profound effect upon the ring. The souls that belong in the ring are extremely loving and they respond to your mental attitude and mental state.

LOVE HELPS HEAL EVERYTHING! Start with a loving attitude - and stay with it, no matter what.

To understand this attitude better, read The Real Self, listen to the Real Self Audio Program and read One Science, The Science Of Love. We will research this and hopefully discuss it more in the future.

The lost souls. The lost souls usually do not return. However, if one develops, other souls take their place and eventually the ring begins to operate once again. To understand development, read Introduction To Development.

When the ring begins to spin fast, one is more male or female and this is good. When the ring begins to spin fast to the right, men and women get along better, like each other more, and work together better. It is excellent for marriages, work relationships, friendships and more.

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