by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
I. Introduction
II. The Minerals In Each Tetra
III. Tetra Concepts
The mineral tetras are a very special way to organize the 96 chemical elements or minerals in the universe (93 physical ones and 3 etheric ones) into groups of four minerals each.
The word tetra means four in the old Greek language. For example, a four-sided polygon is called a tetrahedron.
The mineral tetras are a very basic organization of the minerals in the body and in the universe.
The tetra system is quite different from the familiar Periodic Table Of The Elements. I cannot say I understand it, but I use it.
The mineral tetras are important because they are a key to interpreting hair tissue mineral tests and other mineral tests such as soil mineral tests. The chart of these tests is best organized into these groups of four minerals each.
When presented in this way, the levels, ratios and patterns of the groups of four minerals on a hair or soil mineral chart reveal a tremendous amount of information.
Unfortunately, most hair mineral testing laboratories and soil mineral testing laboratories do not arrange the minerals in accordance with the tetras. This makes test interpretation much more difficult.
We learned about the tetras from the Planning Souls. These are very advanced souls present in everyone who are in charge of healing and development of the body.
These are calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. They must be in this order. They are often called THE ELECTROLYTES in chemistry books. They are the most important minerals used to interpret mineral tests.
Hair washing problems. Very sadly, all hair mineral testing laboratories we have checked report these minerals too low. If you ask them, some labs tell you that they wash the hair in some way and this leaches out some minerals. Other labs say they don't wash the hair, but their readings for the past year or so are still too low.
Washing lowers the calcium and magnesium levels by about half and it lowers the sodium and potassium levels by about 100%. So to interpret a mineral test, one must raise up the calcium and magnesium levels by 50%. One must also raise up the sodium and potassium levels by about 100%.
Additional calcium problems. In our experience, the testing labs at times also lower the calcium level on some tests much more than 50%. They might not tell you about it and they might deny it. However, it is our experience.
Our current theory is that this is done to distort and disguise an important mineral ratio, the calcium/magnesium ratio. The planning souls call this the lifestyle ratio. When this ratio is above 13.5, it indicates a problem in one's lifestyle.
Our theory is that the alien group called the thugs, crap, Rogues or satans don't want people to know they are here and wrecking people's lives, particularly the lives of women. So they force the laboratories to change the calcium level, at times. However, if you ask the lab about this, they may not agree and may say I am lying.
There is much more to say about the first mineral tetra. However, we will discuss it in the next section of this article.
These are iron, copper, manganese and zinc. They are sometimes called THE ALKALINE RESERVE MINERALS in chemistry books.
Inaccuracy. The levels of iron and manganese on many mineral tests that we review are much too low. Our current theory is that the rogues or thugs are filling the bodies with iron and manganese (and aluminum and some toxic metals).
The force governments to put manganese in the gasoline. They also force food companies to add iron and other minerals to some foods.
They also tell some people to take iron pills when they don't really need them. Most anemia is due to copper imbalance, not iron deficiency.
They also force women to drink iron-containing liquids and they rub iron and other toxic metals on women's skin when the women are beaten and raped, as they all are today.
As a result of the above, we cannot trust the iron and manganese readings of any hair mineral test or blood test, for that matter. We have not checked soils tests, but we suspect the same problem.
There is much more to say about the second tetra that we will add in the future.
These are chromium, selenium, vanadium and cobalt. They are sometimes called THE EXTRA ALKALINES in a few chemistry books. There is much to say about the third tetra that we will add in the future.
These are boron, carbon, silicon, and sulfur. There is much to say about the fourth tetra that we will add in the future.
There are 20 more tetras if you include all the 96 minerals, for a total of 24 tetras (96 divided by 4). However, I have only learned about the first four.
Also, commercial laboratories do not read all the minerals, so we don't have measurements for most of them to talk about. Perhaps some day we will know more about them.
1. Significance. Each successive tetra is associated with a deeper level of functioning of the body or the soil creatures. For example, the first tetra is a most important one. The second tetra is a deeper level. The third tetra is an even deeper level of bodily or life activity.
Order of the minerals. The minerals in each tetra must be arranged in the correct order. This is very important. It is not enough to know which minerals are in each tetra. They also need to be in a special order on a hair analysis graph.
Related to the four steps of action. The four steps of action is a spiritual concept used to help understand how events unfold in the physical world. The four steps are desire, intention, allowing and surrender or ending.
The four steps or action are associated with the four minerals of each tetra. For example, calcium is the first mineral in a tetra and it is associated with a quality of desire. One can say that calcium is a builder mineral. Think of cement or concrete, which contain a lot of calcium.
In contrast, potassium is found at the end of a tetra. It is a highly soluble mineral. This means that it dissolves and breaks down other compounds. It is more of a destructive or ending mineral.
Interestingly, the old name for potassium is kallium. We believe this name came from the word Kali, the goddess of destruction in the Hindu religion. For details, read The Four Steps Of Action.
Correspondence. There is a correspondence between the minerals, ratios and patterns of the tetras. For example, there is a correspondence between the Na/K and the Mn?Zn.
Na and K are the third and fourth minerals in the first tetra. Mn and Zn are the third and fourth minerals in the second tetra.
Doubling or compounding. A mineral pattern in one tetra is more powerful if the same pattern is present in another tetra. For example, if both the Na/K and the Mn/Zn are low, it is a more powerful indicator of a low Na/K.
If both the Na/K and the Mn/Zn are elevated, it is a more powerful indicator of a high Na/K. These two conditions are called doubling.
The same is true of other common mineral patterns such as the bowl pattern, the hill pattern, step up, step down, four lows, four highs, a shell and sympathetic dominance.
Mirroring. A mirror ratio is a ratio in one tetra that is opposite that of the other tetra. It is as though one is looking in a mirror. For example, the mirror ratio of the Na/K is the Fe/Cu ratio.
Mirror patterns are a type of balance that can occur, at times, in the body.
Opposition. This is when the minerals in one tetra indicate a condition opposite of the minerals in another tetra.
Other combinations. These are also possible and are numerous. This is a large research topic.
Over 150 mineral patters are listed and explained on the Read Articles page of this website, under the heading of Hair Mineral Analysis Patterns.
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