by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© July 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease health condition.
Leo is six years old. He was born with achromatopsia. Doctors believe this is an incurable genetic birth defect. One is born without cones in the eyes. These structures give one color vision and visual acuity.
The effects of achromotopsia.1. Photophobia – These children experience severe light sensitivity. For the majority of them, there is complete loss of vision in daylight. The condition is called "day blindness". During the day, they only see bright light everywhere and cannot discern objects very well.
2. Reduced visual acuity – When they can see, they experience reduced visual acuity due to:
- lack of cones, because cones provide high-resolution vision
- issues with lighting.
3. Nystagmus - This is swinging of the eyes typically in a horizontal pendular motion. Nystagmus typically begins around 3-6 months of age.
4. Total color blindness.
5. Other problems such as strabismus. This occurs when both eyes cannot focus together on an object. It causes cross-eyes and squinting, among other problems.
The Development Program. Leo began the development program in March of 2019, at the age of four (date of first mineral analysis was 2/1/19). Leo’s mineral analysis revealed:
- An extremely fast oxidation rate. This indicates acute stress and inflammation.
- A very low sodium/potassium ratio (0.61). The ideal ratio is 2.5. This is associated with chronic stress, infections, excessive tissue breakdown, blood sugar imbalance, and many other health problems.
- A zinc level of 5 mg%. The ideal level is about 16 mg%. Zinc is critical for eye health.
- Significant toxicity with mercury, lead, aluminum and nickel.
Improvements. After one month on the program Leo began to sleep better. On June 22, 2019, Leo’s mother reported:
- Leo’s field of vision seems to have increased by several feet and he is noticing more detail in objects and people from further away. Prior to the program he would stand with his face about 3-6 inches away from the television screen in their living room. Now he sits on the sofa, which is about 6-7 feet away from the screen, to watch television.
- He has been able to discern people’s faces and their facial expressions from several feet away outdoors whereas before he was unable to recognize people outside.
- He is more easily able to locate her when they are outside.
- His nystagmus is now imperceptible.
- He was starting to develop strabismus in one eye, and this has diminished.
Update, May 2021. After two years and two months on the development program, Leo’s mother reports that Leo’s vision continues to improve. In the past year, Leo is also excelling at his home-school studies. He reports that his brain works much better. His mother says this year he has become very smart. Most important, he says he is like a new person. He is so much happier, productive and full of life.
Mineral analysis of May 12, 2021. Leo’s most recent mineral analysis indicates he is still a fast oxidizer with a very low sodium/potassium ratio. The test also revealed the following important joy or development patterns:
- A new life. This is a rare pattern that is a combination of the patterns below. It indicates a deep change in the personality for the better.
- Double coming alive pattern. The levels of the first four and the second four minerals increased or remained the same.
- All out pattern, also called everything coming out. Leo’s body is eliminating toxic forms of sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum and lithium!
- Seven anchor patterns. These are mineral levels that remain the same or changed only slightly within certain limits. They indicate healing of the sulci of the brain. The presence of seven anchors we call a new brain.
- Maturing pattern. This is an elimination of one or more of the child minerals – toxic compounds of potassium, copper, aluminum, and/or nickel. Leo is eliminating ALL of these minerals at once.
- Zinc increased from 5 mg% to 8 mg%. This is notable because zinc is so important for eye health. The ideal level is about 16 mg%.- Mercury increased from 0.81mg% to 0.144 mg%. This is notable because it is a lot of mercury. Mercury toxicity may play an important role in acromatopsia. The ideal hair mercury level is about 0.02 to 0.03 mg%.
Discussion. The improvement in Leo’s vision indicates that at least in this case, achromatopsia is not simply a genetic disease. In Leo, it also appears to be a congenital nutritional health condition.
The word congenital means present at birth, but not genetic. The most common causes for congenital conditions are malnutrition and toxic metal poisoning in the mother during pregnancy.
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