By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2014, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


            One of the most important trends in the world today is that America and Europe are being hollowed out.   I will explain what I mean:


1. Moral hollowing out.  Christianity and Judaism are under fire in the most ferocious way in the West.  They are being replaced by the empty philosophy of liberalism and secularism.  Not only is it empty, it is also simply incorrect on the origin of mankind, the nature of the soul, and other matters.


2. Financial hollowing out.  Manufacturing has been deliberately shifted to China and Southeast Asia by insanely high corporate tax rates in the USA and Europe, insane environmental laws, and other incentives to move all the factories away to foreign lands.

Also, for the past 60 years or so, incentives have been set up to buy oil and gas from the Middle East, Russia, South America and Libya, instead of developing and refining our own energy resources.

  As a result, the nations of Europe and America are becoming impoverished financially.  The governments are becoming so bankrupt that they will never get back unless it is stopped soon.


3. Nutritional hollowing out.  For over 100 years, there has been a strong push to:

a) Encourage people to live on white flour, white sugar and white rice – all of which are empty calories and horrible food.  Pasteurized milk is also an inferior product that is encouraged by law. 

b) Get people to live on food laced with several thousand chemicals instead of real food.  The worst may be fast food (the worst quality, in my experience) such as McDonaldÕs and Burger King, and other toxic junk that may look and smell like food, but it has no nutritional value.  Other important toxic chemicals in the water are chlorine and fluoride, bromine in most commercial bread, and mercury in dental fillings and most all fish.

c) Use medical drugs, many of which deplete nutrients, instead of using natural healing methods.  Among the worst of these are antibiotics and vaccines.

d) become vegetarians, a deficient diet.

e) Perhaps the worst feature of Òmodern medicineÓ is insane prenatal care that causes most all babies today to be born malnourished because their mothers are malnourished.  Mothers are not directed to eat correctly, they are given a silly multivitamin that is much too little, much too late, in most cases.  Mothers-to-be are often allowed to take medical drugs, alcohol and other harmful substances provided they donÕt cause obvious birth defects.  Nutritional problems are simply dismissed as unimportant in drug medical care.

f) Medical journals are funded by drug companies, an obvious conflict of interest!  As a result, the famous New England Journal Of Medicine and all the rest rarely publish factual studies on the value of natural foods, organic food, nutritional supplements, herbs, and natural healing methods.  Things were very different before the founding of the American Medical Association, and similar groups around the world.  The change was carefully orchestrated, and this is easily proven, but it is not taught in school.


Corruption of the Food And Drug Administration and the medical profession began over 100 years ago and is at the center of this problem.  This is probably the worst form of hollowing out, because it makes it impossible for most people today to think clearly.  Therefore, the entire fabric of the nation slowly degenerates.  Many articles on this website document all of the above.


4. Political hollowing out.  This is obvious to anyone who has studied American and British history.  These nations had a proud history of limited government, rights of the individual, private property rights, and other protections for the individual such as the right to own and use firearms to protect oneself and oneÕs property.

However, it has been completely reversed and hollowed out, replaced by larger and larger central governments, and fewer personal property and individual rights.  It is a decidedly  communist trend toward the welfare state, totalitarian government, elitism, and class warfare.  For example, the Democratic Party in the USA is now basically identical in its platform to the Communist Party USA and communist parties around the world.  For more, please read articles such as Communism Is Alive And Well, and many others on this site.




The answers are quite simple, provided:

1. One must see the trends, and

2. One must understand that it was all planned and beautifully executed by those who do not like Western civilization and instead favor totalitarian rule.

Then it is not difficult to get up to speed on the truth.  Visit websites like this one for truthful nutrition information because many health websites are corrupt or just ignorant.

Read websites like www.Wallbuilders.com for real history, and ignore the nonsense taught in the schools today.

Read about Austrian economics to learn about the reality of economics and how it really works.

Finally, stop listening to the humanists and secularists, who are simply wrong about who we are, whether there is a soul, and so much more.  Instead, read the Bible – both the Old and the New Testament.  A number of articles on this website can help.  It is not a bigoted, woman-hating, racist book.  Be careful with anyone who thinks it is.  They either are ignorant or working for foreigners, in most cases.  Spread the truth and vote out the imposters.  Beware, however, as they are experts at voter fraud, so electronic voting machines are a problem, and elections need to be carefully checked.



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