by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2016, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Many people are interested in healing themselves, but not all are ready for a complete nutritional balancing program.  Here is the way to begin on your own, with an inexpensive, but still very good starting program.


1. Start going to bed by 8-9 PM and sleeping at least 9-10 full hours each night.  Also, consider taking a nap in the afternoon.  This may seem like a lot of sleep.  However, most people need this much rest for a while, as most people have what is called a sleep deficit.  After a few months, you may find you do not need the nap, but it is excellent to continue it if you find it helpful.


2. Diet – Begin to follow the Slow Oxidizer Diet, as described in the article on this website.  Also, begin to practice excellent eating habits as well such as only eating sitting down peacefully, chewing thoroughly, and not eating too fast or on the run.

Two exceptions:

1. All babies and children up to the age of about 5 or 6 need the Fast Oxidizer Diet.

2. About 10% of older children and adults are fast oxidizers.  They also need the fast oxidizer diet.  However, it is not easy to tell if you are one of the 10%.  Fast oxidizers may crave more fats and oils, and may be anxious or irritable, but not in every case.  Only a properly performed hair mineral test can tell for sure if you are a fast oxidizer.


3. Drink three quarts or more daily of spring water or tap water in The United States filtered only with carbon or sand.  Do not drink other types of waters.  Do not drink reverse osmosis water, Òdrinking watersÓ, purified water or alkaline waters.


4. Try to avoid exposure to all types of toxins.  These may include toxic food chemicals, most prescription and over the counter drugs, all toxic chemicals, pesticides, toxic skin care products such as most cosmetics, toxic metals, solvents and other toxins. 

If you have silver/mercury amalgam dental fillings, try to start having them removed unless you have active cancer, in which case wait always wait until the cancer is in remission.


5. Get some fresh air daily and do deep breathing daily, at least for 15-30 minutes per day or more.  This will help oxygenate the body and feels good as well.


6. Take some basic nutritional supplements (dosages listed are for adults):


- EPA-DHA: from fish oil, about 900 mg every day. Alternatively, you may eat sardines, 3-4 cans per week for adults. Avoid all other fish and shellfish due to their high mercury content.  Sardines are very small, and for this reason are less contaminated.


- Vitamin D3: 5000 iu of vitamin D3 each day.  Alternatively, eat 3-4 cans of sardines weekly.  Do not do both, however.


- Kelp: If tolerated, 3-6 capsules per day.  Each capsule should contain about 600 mg of kelp.  Use only NatureÕs Way, Solaray, or Endomet brands.


- Calcium and magnesium: About 750 mg calcium chelate, citrate or lactate and 450 mg of magnesium chelate or citrate each day.


- A digestive aid: I prefer one with ox bile and pancreatin, rather than the vegetable enzymes or betaine HCL and pepsin.


- Trimethylglycine or TMG: Men need 3 grams daily.  Women need 1 gram daily.  Children need less of all of these.


- Zinc: The need varies, but most people need at least 25 mg daily.


7. Walk: 1x/day, at least three times weekly or more often.  Walk for 20-40 minutes each time.  Walk slowly and gently on fairly level ground.  Do not overdo or try to do more.  More is not better.  For safety, you can walk at an indoor mall or other protected area.


8. Red heat lamp therapy. Use a red heat lamp on your abdomen every day for an hour, and less for children.  Even babies can benefit from five to ten minutes of it daily.

If possible, instead use a red heat lamp sauna.  Read about it on this website at Sauna Therapy. 


Additional procedures you can do yourself, using the instructions on this website, are:


1. Coffee enemas: 1/day for 1 year or more.  These are extremely helpful for most people if done properly, and are very safe, in our experience.  Call if you experience anything very unusual.  Most people will pass parasites, colonies of yeast and other foreign material at some point.


2. Work with a good chiropractor.  An adjustment every month or more, if desired, is helpful, particularly if you are undergoing a lot of change or if you are very out of balance.


3. Work on simplifying your entire lifestyle so that you have much more time for resting, relaxation and joy in your life.  The hectic lifestyle of most people is not conducive to healing and definitely not conducive to mental and spiritual development.



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