by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

This website strongly favors keeping children away from schools, especially public schools.  This is for reasons of safety, physical health, mental health, and to learn a lot faster and more. 

Many studies have documented that, in general, home-schooled children learn faster than children at school.  This is not surprising because in a group setting, one must go at the pace of the group.

Another reason to avoid schools today is to avoid learning wrong information, such as the nonsense being taught today about climate change, socialism, communism and the virtues of homosexuality and gender.  For details about our views, read Climate Change, Socialism, Communism and Homosexuality.

We strongly favor home schooling for all children.  The massive amount of money now spent on public schools could be used to pay a parent to stay at home and teach their children at home.

Many children tell us what they think and feel about school and this article is a report. The following feelings and thoughts that children have upon going to school are divided into positive feelings and thoughts, and negative ones.


Some children like school.  They are the less sensitive ones.  They like the noise, the crowds, the attention they may get, and the hustle and bustle.  They may like the many activities, making new friends, showing off, and other things.  However, even these children often experience the negative feelings described below.

A relatively few children like school because their home life is very dysfunctional, and often violent and unsafe.  However, we believe this is a very small number, unlike the impression that the schools often give to parents and to the public.


- My parents or parent does not love me. If they did, they would never send me to this horrible place.

- I have been abandoned.

- A lot of strange smells and strange sights.

- Too many people, both young and older.

- Too much noise.

- Scary adult, some of whom hurt children.

- Strange rules, such as making me sit all the time and not speak, and even perhaps having to raise my hand to go to the bathroom.

- Making me learn pure nonsense like climate change, critical race theory, gender identity and more.

- Making me learn things I don’t have the slightest interest in, and if I don’t learn them to their satisfaction, I am punished.

- Bells ringing at odd times, in many schools.

- Going to the bathroom can be terrifying.  There are other kids who are bigger than me, that sometimes push me around or hit me. (It can be much worse, such as introduction to drugs, inappropriate touching, and worse.)

- Boys stare at girls and sometimes girls stare at boys.  Boys do other things like pull girl’s hair, and worse. At times, there are rapes and other sexual molestation.

- At times, strange exercises such as what to do if someone bombs the school.

- Bullies are always around.  The teachers may try to prevent bullying, but they cannot be everywhere at all times.  Many children are hurt badly by this problem.

- We are given often dirty, thick textbooks and must carry them around in backpacks like a slave.


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