by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

Sciences can be classified according to the number of major forces or directions they contain. This article is about the science of three-ness or three science.


What are called “three” sciences are those in which there are three different vectors that oppose and balance one another.

Vector description.  Three-ness sciences can be described in vector terminology as three lines, all facing different directions, each having an arrowhead on one end.

The simplest figure of three-ness is a triangle.

Three is also the science of basic structure.


Three-ness is always about structures. Here are some examples:

Particle physics concerns the structure of matter.  The three components are heat, pressure and volume.  These three, not two, interact with and depend upon each other, at all times.

The triangle.  This is the basic science of manmade structures. The triangle has three sides, whose lengths always depend upon one another.  It also has three angles, whose size or openness always depend wholly upon one another.

In construction, triangulation is the basic way we hold structures together because it is very stable and strong.  You can demonstrate this easily by connecting three soda straws or popsicle sticks or tongue depressors to each other. 

Three straws joined together at the ends makes a stable structure, meaning it will not flop around, but will retain its shape.  However, if you connect more than three or less than three of them together, they will not be stable.

Nutrition as a three science. Nutrition is the science of the structure of the body. As such, it is a three science.


The science of power and control is a “three” science.  The three components are strength, organization, and intelligence.  This is not taught to people, but it is the truth.

The third energy center. “Three” sciences always have to do with the third physical energy center on the body. For details, read The Energy Centers on this site.


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