by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
I. Introduction (And The Rapid Liver Detox Procedure)
II. Principles Of Liver Detoxification
III. Liver Symptoms During The Development Program
If you can detoxify your liver, in most cases you will improve your health drastically, and it may well save your life if you are ill. This is a wonderful principle to recall at all times.
The development program is the best way we know of to improve the activity of the liver. This article focuses on how this is done using development science.
This is a quick method if you ever feel toxic:
1. Drink more water. Many adults are dehydrated, especially if they drink coffee or tea instead of water. Adults need 2-3 quarts of water daily.
2. Do the facial steam procedure. This is to aim a steam generator at your face and leave it there. Done correctly, it is a warm, pleasant sensation. The skin of the face, particularly the forehead, cheeks, and nose areas is excellent for detoxification of the liver. For more details, read the Steam or Loyly Procedure.
3. Take a shower or a steam bath. This removes a lot of toxins from the skin. Just washing your hands and face, for example, is good but not as good as washing off the entire body.
4. Do one or two coffee enemas.
5. Breathe deeply.
6. Tapping or light beating procedure. After each enema, while sitting on the toilet expelling coffee, do the following tapping procedure described below. You will tap on the liver, on liver reflex areas, and on energy centers related to the liver. Here are details of the tapping procedure:
A) Liver massage. While sitting on the toilet expelling the enema, use both hands and tap your palms over the entire liver area. It can be gentle. This is relaxing for the liver and assists its activity.
The liver is quite large. It is not only on the right side of the upper abdomen. It is also in the middle of the upper abdomen and somewhat on the left side, as well. Here is a link to see where your liver is: LIVER PHOTO.jpeg.
Why it works. The tapping or massage enhances blood and lymph circulation in the liver. Also, it is psychodrama. This means it gently and lovingly duplicates or mimics a beating to the liver, abdomen and ovaries that many people have experienced from the thugs or Rogues. This can help relax the area.
B) Tap the knee liver reflex areas. While sitting on the toilet, it is easy to tap the kneecaps, tops of your thighs and outside of the thighs with the part of your palms that are below the fourth and fifth fingers.
These areas of the thighs and palms of the hands are reflex areas to the liver. Here is a good hand reflexology chart to view the liver areas:
The left hand taps on the top of the left thigh and the right hand taps on the top of the right thigh. Move the hands around the entire length of the top of the thighs.
C) Tap on certain energy centers. Other very important liver reflex areas and energy centers begin near the shoulder and are found along the inside of the arm:
Left side. Start with the top of the left breast in the hollow below the collar bone. This is the shoulder energy center, a very important one that is often beaten by the rogues and spinning poorly. Stay there for at east 20 seconds. Try to feel if it begins to spin to the right and faster.
When you think it is better, tap on the inside of the left arm. Move down the left arm on the inside of the arm. You will find tender spots, especially a spot just above the elbow. Tap here for about 15 seconds to help free this area.
Then tap moving down the inside of the forearm to the wrist. Stay on the left wrist for about 15 seconds because there is a large center here. Finally, tap on the heel of the left hand because this is a liver reflex area. At the same time, tap the middle of the left palm, where there is another important energy center.
Right side. Now do the same on the right side, beginning with the top of the right breast and then tap moving all the way down the inside of the right arm.
D). Rub the liver meridian reflex area of the hands to assist the liver. The liver meridian reflex area is in the webbing between the thumb and the forefinger. Use the fingers of one hand to rub the area of the other hand.
I ask if I am improving the spin of the liver. Usually, I hear that I am improving it.
E) If possible, use a bidet. If you have a bidet or bidet toilet attachment, which we highly recommend, you can enhance the detoxification a lot using this device.
Sit on the toilet so that the water from the bidet splashes on the anal area or behind it on the tailbone. (This is called a tail spin). Both are powerful reflex areas that spin the liver energy center correctly.
Do this for at least five minutes and perhaps up to 15 minutes with a strong spray. Do it at the same time you are tapping your hands on your upper abdomen, knee caps, and the energy centers in each arm.
Other reasons to add the bidet to the liver detox procedure:
1. If you relax the anal sphincter, some water will enter the rectum, pick up toxins and then fall back down into the toilet.
2. Running water on this area helps move subtle energy downward. It is a low body procedure.
3. Running cold water on this area improves general circulation and particularly circulation to the lower abdomen. It is an aspect of the German water cure.
4. Some water will be absorbed into the rectum and will move to the kidneys, where it picks up toxins and eliminates them in the urine.
5. It is psychodrama. That is, it gently mimics or duplicates trauma to the pelvic floor and genital area that many people have experienced.
I do this liver detoxification procedure every day after each coffee enema. While doing it, I ask the liver souls if the procedure has cleared the toxins it picks up from the coffee enema. It usually takes about five to ten minutes to do this. After doing this rapid liver detox, I get up and steam the body to clean up. This is the Steam Procedure.
NOTE: You can also tap on the liver area or rub the liver reflex area of the hands while retaining a coffee enema.
Tapping or massaging the abdomen while retaining an enema moves the coffee around your colon better, which enhances the enema procedure. I use an electric massage machine to do this because it is less work.
However, also focus on doing The Pulling Down Procedure while doing a coffee enema because it is so important to do every day.
1. Shine a red heat lamp on your abdomen or anywhere on the skin.
2. Twist your spine and twist your fingers using the method in the article The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks.
3. Rub the feet all over, and then do it more over the liver reflex area on the bottom of both feet. Also rub the liver meridian area located in the webbing between the big toe and second toe. It may be painful if congested.
4. Take a little Milk Thistle Tincture – Low Alcohol from Nature’s Answer. WARNING: We don't like most liver herbs such as dandelion root, burdock root and others. They contain some nutrients, but we find they are toxic and not that effective. We do not recommend liver herbs.
5. You may need a quick shower to wash toxins off the skin. While showering, rub or brush your skin for the best effect.
6. You can do the Neck Pull procedure a few times. This procedure takes a little practice to learn, and helps move subtle energy correctly through the body.
The program, (really the development path or golden path) consists of the development Diet, along with a healthful lifestyle and the rest of the development program, especially the nutritional supplements and healing procedures. Unselfish prayer, willingness to do the Will of the creator, and the coffee enema and pulling down procedure are very important at this time.
Here are more details about how the program works.
1. BALANCE THE MAJOR MINERAL LEVELS AND RATIOS USING A PROPERLY PERFORMED HAIR TISSUE MINERAL ANALYSIS. This is needed to drastically improve cellular energy production throughout the body. This assists with liver detoxification along with most other body functions.
NOTE: At this time (January 2025), ALL hair testing labs we have checked are reporting mineral levels that are too low. You must increase the numbers to get accurate readings.
The most important changes are: the calcium and magnesium levels must be raised between 25 and 50% and the sodium and potassium readings must be raised 100% or a little more.
Also, sadly, calcium levels are not reliable and neither are iron, manganese, aluminum, nickel levels reliable. Hair analysis is thus difficult to interpret at this time, unless one tunes into the planning souls and asks about the numbers. That is how I do it, but others do not do this and even with the planning souls, interpretation is not easy.
2. THE DIET INCLUDES PLENTY OF THE CORRECT FORMS OF SULFUR. Sulfur is needed for the cytochrome P450 detoxification pathway in the liver, to bind toxic metals, and for other purposes in the liver as well. Most people do not get enough organically bound sulfur in their diets.
Two types of sulfur are needed. Non protein-bound sulfur is found in most cooked vegetables. The cabbage family (red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, brocollini and cauliflower) is particularly good. The radish family is also excellent (daikon root, rutabaga and perhaps a few others). Also, some greens are high in sulfur, such as a little cilantro and brocollini. Onions and garlic are also excellent.
Protein-bound sulfur is found in meats and egg yolks, providing one does not cook the egg yolk very much. This is why we only recommend soft cooked eggs so the yolks are runny. (Raw eggs may contain bacteria that are harmful.)
We suggest soft-boiled eggs cooked for up to about 3 minutes in most areas of the world, or poached eggs or even very lightly fried eggs or very soft scrambled eggs only.
Avoid all hard or hard-boiled eggs and hard scrambled eggs, as these are much more difficult to digest. Cooking damages the fat and sulfur compounds in the delicate yolk. Also, women should not eat more than 6 eggs per week and men should not eat more than 8 eggs per week. More than this leaves a toxin in the liver.
Also, do not take chemical forms of sulfur. Use the foods above to obtain sulfur.
3. SELENIUM. This is also critical for glutathione synthesis in the liver and breakdown of certain toxic compounds in the liver. The correct form of selenium is important. It is found in blue corn tortilla chips, organic yellow corn chips if you cannot buy blue corn, but not other corn products.
It is also found in sardines and in some meats and other fish. Most fish, however, are too high in mercury to be recommended. Sardines seem to be best.
Other good sources of selenium include chicken meat and turkey meat. Do not waste money or fill up on selenium supplements or Brazil nuts, as the type of selenium is not as good as the foods above.
Save your stomach capacity for the cooked vegetables described above and the foods that contain the proper selenium. Read more about this in the article Selenium on this website.
4. OBTAIN MORE METHYL GROUPS. We find that everyone needs more methyl groups. They are critical for liver detoxification and much more. We recommend trimethylglycine (or TMG) for everyone – one gram daily for adult women and three grams daily for men. Women could use more, but the product is yin in macrobiotic terminology and more will make most women too yin. For more details, read Methylation.
5. IMPROVE CIRCULATION, HYDRATION AND OXYGENATION OF THE BODY. These functions are related, and all absolutely needed for liver detoxification. Learn to breathe deeply. Drink 2-3 quarts or liters daily of spring water or carbon-only filtered water.
To improve circulation, gentle exercise is excellent. Also excellent is the use of a red heat lamp or red heat lamp sauna on a daily basis. A standard sauna will also assist circulation. However, the red heat lamps add other excellent advantages. We do not recommend far infrared saunas.
An ozonator/ionizer air purifier placed in the bedroom will increase the oxygen in your home as well. For more on this topic, read Ozonator/Ionizer Air Purifiers.
6. DO MORE COFFEE ENEMAS. Coffee is a somewhat toxic beverage. However, when introduced through the rectum, the colon filters out many of the toxins, and just allows the nutrients in the coffee to be absorbed. We know this because coffee drinkers are not that healthy. Those who do coffee enemas improve their liver health quite dramatically.
The coffee retention enema is one of the most powerful liver detoxification methods. One to four of them daily will move out even the most stubborn of toxins from the liver in a rather painless and inexpensive way. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
NEW MATERIAL (10/2024). Coffee can also be introduced into the body by 1) holding it in your mouth for about 15 minutes, 2) putting some in the vagina and keeping it there at least 20 minutes, 3) spraying it on the skin and letting it dry, or oddly 5) just sitting or lying down with a few bags of ground coffee or coffee beans next to your feet, between your legs and/or on your abdomen.
Placing the coffee right next to your skin rather than through clothing is best. Don't place coffee near your head because the coffee draws or pulls and the proper direction is to pull downward, not upward toward the head.
7. SHINE A REDDISH HEAT LAMP ON YOUR ABDOMEN, CHEST AND/OR BACK DAILY FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR. The frequencies emitted by a standard 250-watt reddish heat lamp are excellent for the liver. They tend to improve circulation, decongest the liver, assist with lymph drainage, and more.
Red heat lamp sauna therapy. An excellent way to do this if you have time is by using a reddish heat lamp sauna daily for about one-half hour to 1.5 hours. This way you will also get the benefits of the heat, sweating, etc. For details, read Sauna Therapy and Single Lamp Therapy.
8. RUB THE FEET MORE. Foot reflexology is quite amazing, and can be quite beneficial for liver activity. There are three main reflex areas on the feet and hands for the liver:
- The liver reflex area. This is on the bottom of both feet, behind the third and fourth toes, about half way down the foot toward the heel. It is a large area.
- The liver meridian reflex area. This is on the top of both feet, in the webbing between the big toe and the second toe. This area is often extremely painful to rub but it helps the liver meridian.
- The shoulder area. This reflex area is just behind the little toe on the outside side of the foot. It is the shoulder reflex area, but this is often an area where liver meridian is congested.
9. EXERCISE CARE WITH ALL OF YOUR RELATIONSHIPS AND EMOTIONS. The liver is associated with the emotion of anger. If you are spending time in anger, you will damage your liver.
If you let the emotion go, through forgiveness, in particular, your liver will heal much faster. This is a secret for detoxifying the liver that most doctor forget.
Never hold anger, grudges or resentments against anyone for any reason. Do not let people or situations “get to your liver”. The word livid (meaning very angry) is related to the liver.
The phrases: “I gave him a piece of my liver” and “He has a lot of gall” also describe the connection between the liver and anger.
10. MAKE YOUR BODY MORE YANG. This is very critical. The liver is what is called a solid or yang organ in Chinese medicine. Today, all the organs tend to be too yin, including the liver. This basically means it is very congested and toxic with metals and toxic chemicals.
The situation is far worse than ever before in history. The development program – the diet, supplements, lifestyle and healing procedures, will make the body more yang.
Do not do other therapies or diets. Avoid all yin foods, supplements, herbs, and other products. This includes all sugars, drugs, alcohol, raw foods are more yin, vegetarian diets, and salads. Most supplements and herbs are quite yin. This is one of the main reasons we limit or eliminate all of these in development programs. For details, read Yin Disease and Yin And Yang Healing.
11. (NEW 10/2024) WORK ON WORMS. We now know that putting parasites into everyone is a standard thug, neg, Satan or Rogue technology. It is very difficult to avoid as they put the eggs in foods, water, air, objects and more. The eggs are tiny, the worms are tenacious, and the bodies are too weak to fight them off.
They include liver flukes, and round and flat worms. At this time, we don't recommend herbs or drugs too much to get rid of them. The reason is these remedies are toxic. They can reduce the numbers of worms, but they will not completely eliminate them, no matter what anyone claims.
Making the body more yang and following the complete development program can slowly strengthen the body. The white blood cells of the body can also be trained to find and kill the parasites. This is a difficult research area at this time. For details, read Parasites.
11. IMPROVE DIGESTION. The reason for this is that if you do not improve digestion, you will generate extremely toxic compounds in the intestines due to fermentation and putrefaction of your food. These pass easily into the liver where they poison the liver. This occurs with most people today to varying degrees.
Ways to improve digestion include eating the development diet as presented on this website and not most others. AVOID wheat, fruit, fruit juices or any sugars or chemicalized foods. Keep food combination simple.
Chew every bite of food 10 times. Drinking a few sips of water during meals is okay. However, do not drink a lot of liquid with meals because it dilutes stomach acid.
Also, always take a powerful digestive enzyme with each meal. We recommend a supplement of pancreatin and ox bile.
Develop good eating habits such as eating slowly, chewing thoroughly and eating quiet, sit-down meals. DO NOT EAT in your car while driving, or sitting at your desk, or while on the telephone unless you can completely relax.
12. AVOID THAT WHICH HARMS THE LIVER. This is one of the most important steps you can take. It means avoiding:
- All medical drugs unless absolutely needed, all over-the-counter drugs and remedies, all recreational drugs, and alcohol in all forms and all types.
- All toxin exposure from the food, water, air and skin contact. This includes all food additives and preservatives, dental amalgams, solvents, detergents in your home (don't use them), breathing fumes of all kinds, pesticides, and hundreds of other chemicals.
The grease the thugs or satans rub on all the women's bodies is also poison. They also use a lot of toxic aluminum acetate or Burrow's solution for skin infections. Stay away from them if you can.
It also means reducing your exposure to toxic metals in food, water and through contact such as amalgam dental fillings, jewelry and occupational exposure. See the article Toxic Metals for more on how to avoid these powerful poisons.
- Caution with all herbs, vitamins and minerals. Among the worst vitamins and minerals are niacin and iron, both of which are added to all white flour products today. Many so-called health products also contain toxic metals, such as zeolite, azomite, montmorrilinite, fulvic acid, humic acid and most colloidal mineral products from the earth. Most herbs are also somewhat toxic. Do not take a lot of herbs.
- Avoid other toxins. These are found in all larger fish, all seaweeds except some kelp, pork and all pig products, all nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and all peppers), and certain other foods. Unclean food, unwashed raw food and other often contains eggs and larva of parasites, which go to the liver in most cases.
Also avoid fermented foods that produce aldehydes. These include kombucha tea and some other fermented foods. Exceptions that are okay are goat cheese, good quality sauerkraut, a little kosher dill pickle, miso and kefir.
- Copper builds up in the liver and is found in copper intra-uterine devices, foods too high in copper (chocolate, avocado, shellfish, nuts and seeds, and organ meats). For details, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome.
- NEW MATERIAL. The negs or thugs want all the bodies on earth filled with iron. It is part of their black master conversion program.
Iron builds up in the liver. It is found in most white flour products, too much red meat (only have 4-5 ounce portions about three times a week), iron in vitamin pills, eating a lot of black or red cherries, molasses and eating more than 6 eggs a week for women and 8 eggs per week for men. For details, read Acquired Iron Toxicity.
By doing these things, all of which are part of every development program, you will assist your liver and your health.
Other more unusual liver toxins are curses and other witchcraft used by the thugs. They tie off arteries in the liver, put twists in the liver, and do other damage. These can be healed, and it is a research area.
More about the liver and its problems is found in the article entitled Liver Dysfunctions.
The very rapid liver detoxification that occurs during a complete development program can cause pain in the liver and gall bladder area. Often the entire liver area becomes tender to the touch, and painful, at times.
This pain is fairly common in people on a full program. It can be due to an imbalance in the liver meridian or rogue attacks on the liver or parasites.
The liver meridian is often stuck at the shoulder. People with tight shoulders seem to have this pain the most.
Some people think it is due to gallstones, or inflammation of the liver, and have had ultra-sound tests or even x-rays of the liver. The tests usually come back normal. Blood tests of the liver may or may not come back normal. Any time there is an elimination of toxins, it will increase the liver enzymes slightly. This is perfectly normal.
What to do about liver meridian pain. This pain slowly subsides as one continues the program. In other words, the meridians balance themselves out. Acupuncture does not seem to be too helpful.
Foot reflexology of the liver area and moreso the liver meridian area may be very helpful. This area is between the first and second toe, on the top of each foot. It is in the webbing, and it extends back toward the ankle from the toes. The area will usually be quite tender. Dig your fingertips in there, or even your fingernails, if you can tolerate it. This may help balance out the liver meridian.
More coffee enemas, and the Pulling Down exercise are also often helpful to speed up the release of this area of the body.
Any therapy to loosen up the right shoulder can also help this pain. This includes some of the Spinal Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks. It might also include massage or deep bodywork.
For more details, read Detoxification.
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