THE QUEENS (small creatures)

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Women's Importance




The queens we are discussing in this article are a type of small, fine matter creature. They are very important for our planet at this time.

Appearance. They are either male or female and are about the size of a person's index finger. They look somewhat human, but they have wings. They look somewhat like Elves, another very important fine matter creature on earth.

Food. The queens need to eat several cereal grains including millet and amaranth. They also need some blue corn chips and a small amount of vegetables. They do not eat much meat, but need to be inside of a human woman who is able to eat meat.

Role. The queens spin and maintain the energy centers of other, extremely large fine matter creatures that keep our planet functioning. The larger creatures live inside the earth.

Explanation. The earth is not just a hunk of rock. It has many living beings inside and around it that help maintain it. The earth animals are some of these. Many other vital creatures cannot be seen because they are fine matter. For more details, read Bodies – Their Activity And Structure.

Numbers. There need to be trillions of queens on our planet in order for the earth's energy centers to spin in a healthy way.



The queens live inside the bodies of more mature and advanced human women on earth. This is where the queens need to live to be nourished properly. They help the women and the women help them to do their job. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Today, there are not enough women who have highly advanced souls needed to host the queens. This is a big problem.

Also, the alien group called the Rogues, thugs or Satan are killing many queens and disabling the women who have them inside in order to better control our planet.

It is truly criminal! There are now very few queens left on earth and the energy centers of the earth are in danger.


Breeding. There is a critical project underway to protect the queens and the women who have them inside. The queens are trying hard to breed and multiply in order to maintain the planet.

They use homes for breeding, in many cases, because these are somewhat safer for them. Please help out by doing the following:

1. Keep some of the food the queens need in your home. Once again, this is some millet and amaranth. Keep a small bowl of the raw grains out and accessible by small, fine-matter creatures.

2. Any woman reading this article needs to follow the development program. If at all possible, this includes coffee enemas and the red heat lamp procedure.

This is for the woman's life and health. However, it is also so that she will be a better hostess for queens.

We know that, at times, women are told they may not do the program or the enemas. However, please make an effort to get around this.

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