by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
III. What Do I Do About The Ego Mind?
The most powerful words you can speak are “Thy Will be done”.
The reason for this is given in another section of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles: “For in all things, God works for the best for us if we love him” - paraphrased from Romans 2:28.
Thy will be done is very important today. Everyone needs it to move on in their lives fearlessly. It is also necessary, or at least helpful, to move the world forward at this time in history.
It means that I surrender all my thoughts, fears, anger, and hopelessness to a higher power than the ego mind. This is the essence of the meaning of Thy Will Be Done.
It also means I need and want ALL of God's Love, Wisdom and Power in my life, and I won't settle for less.
1. The Rogues or Satan tell you that you are not allowed to tune in to God.
2. You are allowed to tune in, but unable to do it. See the procedure in the Guidance article.
3. You are allowed and able to tune in, but you don't want God's Will. You may not understand the idea, or may be afraid of God, may hate God, may think God hates them, may think they don't deserve God, or may not understand one's orders.
4. Allowed and able and desirous to tune in to God, but not allowed to follow the advice.
5. Allowed and able to tune in, allowed to follow, but don't want to for some reason. (see above). One may think the orders from God are stupid, strange, scary or not right.
6. Allowed and able to tune in, allowed to follow advice and want to, but feel you are unable to follow it.
7. Allowed and able to tune in, allowed to follow advice and wants to, and does Thy Will. However, it does not work out well. Then one does not know whether to continue.
The ego mind is the more mechanical part of your mind that runs most of the life of most people. It will get you through the day as long as conditions are not too difficult or unusual.
Even religious people have an ego mind and some use it too much. However, many religious people are less ruled by the go mind. This is a very powerful reason to be religious and think religious thoughts.
The ego mind is also sometimes called the lower mind, the reactive mind, the false self or the monkey mind. Here are two analogies to help you understand your ego mind:
The ego mind is a type of computer program. You set it up and turn it on.
It is programmed to handle some common situations such as answering the phone, speaking with people, eating meals, resting, combing your hair, getting dressed or undressed, driving a car if you drive, working many jobs, and even kissing your husband or wife.
This is the ego mind. It is rather mechanical and automatic.
Some people use it all day long and often they seem to act like a robot. Other people are able to turn it off and instead use their higher mind or thy will be done. These people are smarter and are usually a lot more more fun to be with.
The ego mind is like the cruise control of a car or the autopilot of an airplane or ship. You turn it on, set the speed and maybe the course, and it takes you there. It works well if all is smooth sailing or easy driving - with little in your way.
However, it is not really very smart. If you encounter challenges, the cruise control will not smart enough to get you through safely. Then you turn it off and use Thy Will Be Done to get through life!
It grows on you as you grow up as a child. It is like a learning program on a computer that just keeps learning things and remembering things. In most people, the older they are, the more of this mind they have. This is good in some ways because they learn skills, jobs and more.
But it is also bad. People who are stuck in their ego mind are more mechanical in their actions. They are also not very smart.
As a result, they often do not get the job promotion they want or the relationship they want, or the friends they want. This is because the ego mind is limited, very scared underneath, and not really too smart.
The ego mind lives mainly in the past, searching its memory every time it needs information. This is okay, but it has no idea about your real potential and your real future. It is stuck in the past and all of its advice and decisions are about the past, not the present or the future.
I once went to a counselor who told me this. He was right, but I di not like him telling me that my ego mind was not good enough. Fortunately, life didn't work out well and eventually, I realized he was right. I had to move on and get out of my head, but how?
You have to get to a point in your life where you realize that living from the ego mind is not best. In fact, it gets in your way. Then you have to turn it off! You bid it farewell. You thank it for all the help it has given you over the years, but it is time to move on. You are ready for something better, more exciting, more loving, more intelligent and much more fun! You are ready for Thy Will Be Done.
There is a famous legend about the mind. It is the story of a lovely woman who lives in a castle. As a child, she needs protection of many kinds.
She calls on a giant, ferocious, fire-breathing dragon to protect her. Among other things, she tells the dragon to keep the mean men away. The dragon does what it is told and breathes fire on anyone who comes near the castle. This works for a while.
But one day a knight in shining armor comes near the castle and is interested in marrying the lovely lady. She is excited. However, the dragon breathes fire on him to keep him away.
The lovey lady watches this from the window and realizes that the dragon is getting in the way of her future. What can she do?
The lovely lady must send the dragon away. She thanks the dragon for all the protection it has given her. There is a sadness that she will no longer have the dragon to talk to and yes, to play with, at times. But she is more mature now and the dragon is not a good enough companion.
Some people hire a new dragon at this point – one that lets the men into the castle. But eventually this does not work. Dragons are just not smart enough to protect the lady and lead her into her glorious future.
She thinks, who can protect me and lead me properly? She finally turns to the Father In Heaven. She may not know a lot about the Father In Heaven, but most people have heard of Him. She turns to Him and that is doing Thy Will Be Done.
Thy will is exciting and fun, much more than living in the ego mind. Always remember this.
It is influenced by its upbringing, its emotional traumas, its moods and whims, and much more. Most people have subconscious or unconscious blocks, ideas, beliefs and more that all influence the ego mind at all times and in all situations. Thinking about and saying the words Thy will be done is one way to unblock oneself from the rule of this mind.
The ego mind, lower mind or false self never wants to give up its power and control. The main reason many people do not like the phrase Thy Will be done is because they are turning control over to a seemingly unknown force. This is frightening for the ego mind.
Indeed, the ego mind was set up early in life to manage one’s life and one’s everyday decisions and conflicts. Giving it up seems like suicide or death to many people, so they do not like this phrase.
For example, what if “Thy Will” is that one should be poor, sick, lonely, injured, raped, or even killed? This is the fear that always comes up when one says Thy Will be done.
This fear is very real and anyone who wishes to use the phrase Thy Will be done must face it and think about it, or the ego mind will block the use of the phrase, at least in its most potent form.
The most basic answer to this fear is a realization that “Thy Will” is going to be better than anything the ego mind can imagine or create. This is one way to express the ultimate answer to the fear of asking for Thy Will.
To get to this answer, however, many people must fail on their own, often almost destroying their lives with drugs, alcohol, illness, sexual mistakes, caving in to tyrants, or something else. Only then are most people willing to really embrace the idea of Thy Will be done.
Some people also say that to be safe with Thy Will, one must take a moral inventory of oneself and one must make amends to anyone one has hurt, at least in prayer and also, if possible, openly and in person.
Most religions realize that to progress, most people need to let go of or loosen the hold of the ego mind. The reason is the ego mind is a reactive mind that is not particularly creative, is very fear-based, and is often vicious, arrogant and full of hatred for what it does not understand or what it does not like.
Therefore, most spiritual systems and religions employ various means to counteract, go around, destroy or weaken the ego mind.
One way is to repeat the Lord’s Prayer a number of times per day. It says “Our Father, which art in the heavens, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth, as it is already done in the heavens.” - Matthew 6:9 and Luke 11.1-4 and 1 Chronicles 29:11.
Other options are to use affirmations such as:
“ Not my will, but Thine be done in this situation”. - Luke 22:42
“ Take me and use me this day to do Thy Will”.
“ Father, what would you have me do this day, or in this situation?”
These can be repeated as often as one wishes. I suggest using them at least three times each day, or more often. For those with severe health issues, or any serious situation, much more is better.
Many people repeat the phrase Thy Will be done, but they are not totally serious about it. They say the words because they read about them or the words sound good. However, taking the phrase seriously is another story, and is always frightening to the ego mind.
However, saying the words as an affirmation is still very beneficial because conditioning the mind to use the phrase makes it a little easier to finally accept the idea into your life fully.
Some people accept “Thy Will” in some areas of life, but not in others. In other words, it is not a total surrender of the ego mind, but rather a partial one. Some situations are just more threatening to the ego mind.
For example, it may be fine to ask for “Thy Will” in your studies, for example, or with your friends, but not in your marriage or with your children, perhaps.
Some readers may prefer another interpretation of the phrase, Thy Will be done. I read this in an unusual translation of the Bible, supposedly from the original Aramaic, which is different than the standard Greek translation of the New Testament.
In this unusual translation, the phrase Thy Will be done was translated as:
Let Your Heart’s desire unite heaven and earth through our sacred union.
In plain English, this means:
“Please God or Creation, merge with me in order to bring forth the true desire of God in and through me.”
This understanding of Thy Will be done may not imply the extreme degree of surrender implied by the usual understanding of the phrase, and this may be helpful for some people.
It reminds me of another Bible phrase spoken by the master YESHua, the real name of Jesus in his own language: “I and the Father are One”.
This statement is a type of surrender to God. However, it does not emphasize surrender as much as it implies uniting or blending with the Father energy.
Here are several phrases from different authors that are related to “Thy Will be done”. These may be helpful to remember:
- “God only wants you to be happy”.
- “If you take one step toward God, God takes 10 steps toward you.” (attributed to Satya Sai Baba.)
- “God will respond to your initiative.” (spoken by Buckminster Fuller, a wonderful man. For details, read Bucky Fuller)
- “I want more and more of God.”
- “Take me and use me this day to do Thy Will and to be Thy Will in action” (from a book about Edgar Cayce).
- “I am the expression of the Love of the creator in this world of form.”
- “As you sow, so shall you reap.” (from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.)
This website discusses development. It is closely related to Thy Will Be Done. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
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