(published in the Townsend Letter For doctors And Patients, #469/470, August/September 2022)

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

(This article is a short version of a more complete article about the trophoblast: The Trophoblast And Cancer.)


This article presents basic information about the nature of cancer.  The trophoblast theory of cancer is that cancer is caused by a normal tissue of the body, the trophoblast, that arises at the wrong time and place. 

History of the theory.  In 1902, John Beard, MD, a prominent embryologist, published a paper in a British medical journal, The Lancet, entitled The Trophoblastic Theory Of Cancer (Beard, J., 1902).  The theory is quite simple and has never been disproven. 

In fact, fairly recently it received strong confirmation by scientists at the University of Michigan, USA (Townsend Letter, #240, 2003). 

Dr. Beard showed that a normal tissue of the body, the trophoblast, exhibits characteristics identical to cancer.  It is invasive, metastatic, forms new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and has the same specific markers and chemical composition as cancer cells.


All human and animal bodies have a number of special cells called totipotent or stem cells that can take on different forms and different roles.  Their activity depends upon the needs of the body and upon the biochemical environment of the body.  One of the roles that these cells can take on is to become trophoblast.

The word trophoblast from Latin means to nourish the babyTrophology is another word for nutrition.  A blast in medical terms is an immature organism or baby.  The way the trophobast normally works is the following:

A fertilized egg quickly develops a number of totipotent or stem cells.

At this time, the fertilized egg is moving out of the Fallopian tube where fertilization often occurs.  The egg is moving into the mother’s uterus. 

When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, the totipotent cells sense a need for nutrition.  Also, the uterus has a more acid pH than the Fallopian tubes and there is a lot of estrogen present.

This combination causes the totipotent cells to activate a genetic pathway that changes them into trophoblast.

Functions of the trophoblast.

#1. Secreting human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG.  The trophoblast secretes a number of chemicals.  An important one is HCG.  This is the usual chemical used to detect pregnancy.  It is also a test for cancer.

#2. The hooks. The trophoblast cells develop tiny hooks that grab and hold on to the mother’s uterine lining.  This prevents the egg from falling out of the mother’s uterus and being lost.  This phase of pregnancy is called implantation of the egg.

#3. Lysis and invasion.  Next, the trophoblast secretes enzymes called lysozymes.  These destroy the surface of the uterine lining around the egg.

Then the trophoblast invades or burrows into the mother’s uterine lining.  It is able to digest normal uterine tissue in a special way so that it can use the nutrients and blood. The fertilized egg is a foreign body in the mother and needs nutrients.

#4. Angiogenesis.  As it grows, the trophoblast forms tiny tubules that become blood vessels.  Through these vessels, it steals blood and nutrients from the mother and sends them to the developing baby.

Later, the placenta helps with this job, but for the first 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, only the trophoblast nourishes the baby.

#5. Metastasis.  As it grows, the trophoblast metastasizes or spreads.  It is able to invade normal tissue and convert its DNA to make more trophoblast-like tissue.

This is the same mechanism that viruses use to replicate themselves in our bodies.  However, trophoblast is not a virus.  This mechanism of the trophoblast explains why each type of cancer in the body has a different ‘look’ to it.  The cancer is part trophoblast, but mainly converted breast, lung, colon or other tissue. 


Totipotent cells are found all over everyone’s body at all times.  The reason for this is that these cells can take over any function, if needed.

The problem occurs if the biochemistry of the body changes in certain ways to favor the production of trophoblast. When this occurs, trophoblast arises and, if not stopped, the person dies of cancer.

Proofs of the theory. #1.  The pregnancy test.  A very simple proof of this theory is that the test for pregnancy, measuring human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG, is also a good test for the presence of cancer in the body.

#2. Choreocarcinoma.  Rarely, the trophoblast overgrows during pregnancy.  This results in a very aggressive uterine cancer called choreocarcinoma.

#3. Other.  The trophoblast shares many chemical qualities with cancer cells, such as a sugar-based energy system.


Scientists have studied the trophoblast.  Transformation of totipotent cells into trophoblast outside of pregnancy occurs due to the following:

1) An acidic tissue pH.  This is very common today and due mainly to a deficiency of alkaline reserve minerals such as proper forms of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, chromium and manganese.

2) Low pancreatic enzymes.  Pancreatic enzymes control the trophoblast.  The levels are low in many people due to nutritional deficiencies.

3) Other nutrient deficiencies, especially low omega-3 fatty acids, low vitamin C, low vitamin A, and low iodine.

4) Excessive amounts of toxic metals, especially copper, cadmium, lead and nickel.

5) Overuse of the sympathetic nervous system.  This prevents adequate rest and rejuvenation of the body.  It is very common today.  We measure this using hair mineral testing.

6) Low available oxygen.  This can be due to shallow breathing, anemia or other problems.

7) Toxic chemicals.  These poison the liver and other organs. They include medical drugs, toxic herbs, pesticides, aldehydes (from eating too much fermented food), and AGES (advanced glycation end products) from eating roasted and baked food.

8) Autointoxication.  This is the production of toxic substances inside the body.  One of the worst sources is root canal-filled teeth.  These dead teeth all infect and discharge very poisonous toxins.

Many people also do not eat properly and do not digest food well.  Instead, food putrefies and ferments, forming powerful toxins.

9) Too much yeast in the body.  This can be due to the diet or is related to a damaged energy system in the body that forces the body to burn sugar for energy.  Yeast produces many poisons including acetaldehyde and alcohol.

10) Mental and emotional factors.  Negative emotions such as resentment, guilt, and loss of the will to live can contribute to trophoblast formation.


Any therapy that causes totipotent cells to stop becoming trophoblast will help prevent and halt the growth of cancer.  By referring to the section above, one can see what this would include:

Therapies to ‘turn off’ the sympathetic nervous system.  These are plenty of rest and sleep, and a nourishing diet high in alkaline reserve minerals. These are found mainly in properly cooked, not raw vegetables. 

Raw vegetables supply some nutrients. However, humans cannot extract much mineral nutrition from raw vegetables because the minerals are locked in the tough vegetable fibers.

One can drink vegetable juices.  However, they have another problem.  They are very yin or cold in Chinese medical terms. This is quite harmful for those with cancer, so it is best to limit juices to 10-12 ounces daily of carrot juice.

Pancreatic enzymes to help digest food. The pancreas is a parasympathetic organ and the enzymes will help control trophoblast growth.

Red heat lamp therapy.  We find that shining three or four reddish infrared heat lamps on the body for 1.5 hours daily is essential.  This therapy nourishes the body and calms the sympathetic nervous system.

The therapy uses 250-watt reddish heat bulbs.  They are inexpensive and sold at farm supply stores, some hardware stores, or on line.

We recommend building or buying a sauna powered by these lamps.  The heat of the sauna powerfully inhibits the sympathetic nervous system.  Details to build or buy this type of sauna are at or in the book, Sauna Therapy by Dr. Wilson.

Coffee enemas are excellent for liver detoxification.  This very critical therapy is the work of Dr. Max Gerson, MD and William Donald Kelley, DDS. For details, read Coffee Enemas.

Deep breathing and good posture assist oxygenation.  Other oxygen therapies such as drinking oxygenated water and others may also be helpful.

We also recommend buying an ozonator/ionizer air purifier.  It will increase the oxygen level in your home or office.

Balancing body chemistry.  One can assess the stage of stress, the oxidation rate, and the ratios of the vital minerals. One can balance these using food and supplements to maintain high levels of adaptive energy in the body. This assists nutrition and detoxification.

Emotional and spiritual healing.  One needs to forgive everyone for everything that has occurred in one’s life and let go of resentments.  Read uplifting books or other spiritual material and focus on the positive aspects of life.