by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.





The Nutrition-Dental Health Connection

What Is Biological Or Holistic Or Preventive Or Minimally Invasive Dentistry



Oral hygiene

Preventing Dental Problems

Dental X-Rays

Removing Wisdom Teeth



Filling Materials

Mercury Amalgam And Amalgam Removal

Replacing Teeth

Avoid Toxic Dental Materials









Temporo-Mandibular Joint Problems or TMJ

Grinding the teeth at night.

Braces – do not use metal ones

The Politics Of Dentistry

Water Fluoridation





            Learning how to care for your teeth is one of the most important aspects of health for everyone!  Important hazards relating to the teeth include:

1. Tooth decay.  This is practically always due to eating fruit, juices, any sugar at all, honey, maple syrup, and other sweet foods.  This even includes drinking too much milk, or using almond, soy or other milks.  It is also due to eating refined foods and eating a lot of salads, from which our bodies cannot extract many minerals.

2. Breakage of teeth.  This is usually due to biting down on small rocks or other hard substances.  It could be due to accidents or other injuries.

3. Gum disease.  This is almost always a result of poor nutrition.

4. Sadly, poor quality dental care.  This can waste thousands of dollars and imperil your health.




            This should be obvious, but most dentists never ask what you eat, or if your take nutritional supplements.  Dentists should be deeply concerned about the intimate connection between dental health and nutrition.  The author is amazed that dentists, of all the medical specialties, are not more concerned with our diets.

            Dr. Weston Price, DDS explored this subject in a classic book entitled Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.  From about 1900 to about 1925, Dr. Price traveled the world, exploring the connection between healthy teeth and nutrition.  He found that wherever Western refined food replaced native natural foods, dental health quickly and severely declined. 

            Dr. Price's book makes fascinating and convincing reading regarding the importance of nutrition in dental health.  The book is filled with photos and x-rays of the teeth of healthy and malnourished people. 

            Warning: The recommendations of the Weston A. Price Foundation today do not match the recommendations of Dr. Weston Price.  For more on this topic, please read The Weston Price Diet on this site.

            Minerals.  The teeth require many minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, boron and perhaps others as well.  These minerals are missing from refined foods.  Refined sugars, white flour and white rice, for example, contain little if any of these essential trace minerals.

            Sugar in the diet feeds bacteria in the mouth that cause plaque and can destroy the teeth.  Acidic cola drinks can damage tooth enamel.  Phosphoric acid in these drinks also binds and removes calcium, magnesium and zinc from the body.  This can lead to bone loss, a common problem today.

            Fruit-eating.  Eating fruit is very damaging for the teeth due to a combination of:

              1. Sugar.  The high sugar content of fruit supports the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth.  It also upsets calcium metabolism throughout the body.

              2. Fruit acids.  These dissolve the tooth enamel, particularly if the fruit is acidic such as citrus, and particularly if the fruit is not absolutely ripe.

            3. Imbalanced minerals.  This is true of many fruits today.  For more, read Fruit-Eating.


            Proper nutrition will not only prevent tooth decay.  It is critical for the bone structure to develop properly, for gum health, for a healthy bite, and for every aspect of dentistry.  For our dietary recommendations, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods.  

            The teeth, gums and other structures of the mouth are never isolated organs or tissues, but are integral parts of the entire body.  Their health is usually a reflection of the health of the entire body, which depends heavily upon proper diet, nutrition, and lifestyle.

              The development program.  The nutrition programs we offer, called a development program, is superb to heal and maintain the teeth and surrounding tissues.  We encourage dentists and their patients to take an interest in it for this reason.  I think they would be extremely satisfied with the results.




              The above terms are used somewhat interchangeably to describe dentists who question the wisdom of some traditional dental materials and dental procedures.             

            NOTE: Your dentist first and foremost needs to be skilled and caring.  You do not need to go to a so-called holistic or biological dentist if your regular dentist understands the contents of this article.  We do not like some of the holistic or biological dentists, many of whom charge too much money, are not that skilled, and may do procedures that are not needed.

              For example, most cavitations will go away on their own if you follow a complete development program.  If a large piece of bone or other tissue is stuck inside the gum, it will take longer or it may not heal on its own.

              The author had half a dozen tooth infections clear up during the program, and many clients report the same thing.  Usually, the area becomes very inflamed and painful for a few days to a few weeks, and then it subsides.  This is a typical dental retracing reaction, which is a feature of the development program. 


The essence of biological dentistry involves:


            1. Recognizing the severe toxicity problems of silver/mercury amalgam dental fillings.  These need to be removed and replaced with the less toxic composite resin fillings, gold, or ceramic inlays or onlays.

            2. Recognizing the value in saving teeth, if possible with conservative and minimally invasive dental procedures.  For example, crowning teeth damages them and is often unwise.

            3. Avoiding root canal procedures because they all infect, usually within 18 months.  Then they spew deadly toxins that contribute to cancer and other lethal problems.

            4. Recognizing the toxicity of nickel used in braces, some crowns, and perhaps other dental wires and supports.

            5. Recognizing the close connection between dental health and nutrition

            6. Recognizing the connection between dental problems and imbalances in the body structure such as problems in the dental arch and the temporo-mandibular joint structure. 

            7. Recognizing the problem of cavitations, which are pockets of infection left over from old dental procedures.  However, a complete development program will usually eliminate cavitations without requiring surgery.

            8. Recognizing that gum disease or periodontitis can be handled with natural methods, particularly a development program, and should not require surgery.


            The purpose of this article is to inform you, so that you can make the best dental choices. 






            Flossing your teeth.  Floss the teeth at least once every day, including at night before bed so that food particles do not remain in between the teeth all night long.  There is some debate over the best method to floss the teeth.  The options are:


            1. Regular dental floss.

            2. Small plastic flossers sold in drug stores called Plaquers or other brands that consist of a plastic handle with a small piece of dental floss fixed to the plastic handle.  These are easier to use and avoid wasting a lot of dental floss.  I think they are faster than regular dental floss, as well.

            3. An electric Waterpik or Hydrofloss machine.  This is a more expensive device.  It shoots a tiny pulsed stream of very high pressure water between the teeth, something like a pressure washer used to wash car engines. 

            Some claim that they work better than standard dental floss.  However, we are not sure if it can remove tightly stuck particles of food as well as standard dental floss.

            An advantage of the high-pressure water machines is that one can place a little colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide or other substance in the machine and pressure wash with a medicated solution.  Another advantage is it will penetrate in areas where a brush and floss will not.  This is helpful if you have infection below the gum line, for example, or are wearing braces and trying to keep the mouth cleaner.


            Brushing.  Brush the teeth at least once daily and ideally after each meal.  In the evening, brush your teeth after flossing to help remove all food particles loosened by flossing.  For toothpaste, we suggest either:


1. Use bar soap.  Just rub a wet tooth brush on the soap and brush.  

2. A mixture of 35% hydrogen peroxide mixed 50-50 with water, and you can add a little baking soda if you wish.  Keep this next to your toothbrush and dip the brush in it once or twice each time you brush your teeth.  If the solution seems too strong, just add a little more water.  It does not taste great, and it will irritate the gums in some people.

            Most regular toothpastes should be avoided, as they often contain fluoride and sodium laurel sulfate, both of which are toxic for the gums and teeth.  Some contain sugars or artificial sweeteners that are also unhealthful.


              Tooth whitening.  Products containing hydrogen peroxide are usually okay.  We donÕt recommend using any product more than once every 6 months.


            Tooth brushes.  The best brush has firm bristles, but not so firm that they irritate your gums.  Electric toothbrushes in which the head spins in a few directions are probably better than old-style mechanical brushes, although the latter will work fine, as well, if one uses them properly.

            How to brush.  Brush in an up and down motion to loosen and remove food particles plaque and tartar.  If you have gum disease, brushing can sweep bacteria under the gums and this is not good.  In this case, you may do better with a high-pressure sprayer to clean the teeth.

           Mouthwashes and other common oral hygiene products.  Avoid common mouthwashes such as Listerine that contains alcohol and other chemicals that irritate the gums.  These are not needed to have a clean mouth.  We prefer rinsing with a little 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drug store if you want a really clean mouth.  Hydrogen peroxide kills most germs and is not too irritating to the gums. 


            Fluoride solutions and mouthwashes.  Fluorides are all highly toxic for the body.  They are not needed if you eat correctly.  We would avoid all products containing fluorides including tooth pastes, mouthwashes and others.




              Preventing breakage.  To prevent breakage due to biting down on gravel or small pebbles found in food, always eat slowly, and stay conscious when you eat so that you may detect a small pebble or other hard object hopefully before you bite down on it.

              Also, to preserve your teeth, do your best to avoid accidents that could cause loss of a tooth.  Activities that are more dangerous include bicycling, running, skateboarding, skating, and similar activities.

            Preventing decay.  The most important way to prevent tooth decay is to avoid sugar in all forms.  This includes avoiding all fruit in the diet.

              Fruit is not an essential food, no matter what anyone claims.  It is mostly sugar and water and not nearly as nutritious as cooked vegetables, meats and whole grains.

            Also, to prevent decay, brush and floss the teeth at least once every day.

            Also, a development diet and program can help enormously to strengthen the entire bone structure of the body.  The program eliminates all sweet foods from the diet, including fruit and most juices, and eliminates junk foods that do not nourish the teeth and gums.

              Supplements used with development programs will supply nutrients that everyone needs today regardless of your age, diet or lifestyle.  These include, but are not limited to calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium.  Removing two dozen toxic metals also helps strengthen the teeth.  For example, lead and aluminum will replace calcium in the teeth and weaken them.

            Preventing infections.  This mostly requires good overall health.  Regular flossing and brushing the teeth is also very helpful.

            Peventing poor quality dentistry.  To avoid poor quality dentistry, always be skeptical of dental procedures and ask a lot of questions. 




We suggest avoiding all root canal treatments, and avoid fluoride treatments.  If you have root canal-filled teeth, have them removed because they all infect, usually within 18 months of the procedure.   The germs they contain are deadly can can cause cancer and other diseases.




            In general, we do not recommend crowning teeth because one must grind down a good tooth to crown it and this can cause infection.  The composite filling materials are quite good these days and usually adequate.  Onlays and inlays are also very good.  Be wary of other questionable medical and dental procedures.




            An abscess is not necessarily a reason to remove a tooth or perform a root canal operation.  A development program will usually end the infection and the tooth can usually be saved.  Healing may take several years, but it is well worth the wait.




            Look for minimally invasive dentistry.  For example, more and more dentists are using dental lasers instead of drills.  This can be a great improvement, in many cases.  It is less painful, requires little or no anesthesia, and is safer.




            X-rays are never good.  Dental x-rays are not the worst, but should not be done as though they are harmless.

            If you follow a complete development program, in our experience you do not need regular dental x-rays every two years, as many dentists recommend.  This is an individual matter that also depends on how well you eat and your oral hygiene habits.  However, we know that a development program will end most tooth decay, so there will be less need for x-rays.




            We do not recommend removing wisdom teeth if they are not causing problems.  Good teeth should be left alone unless there is an important reason for removing them.

            Reasons to leave wisdom teeth alone if they are not causing severe problems in the mouth are:

            1. You never know if you will need them later.  For example, other molars may decay and the wisdom teeth may be needed for chewing or attaching a bridge, or some other purpose.

            2. It disturbs the bodyÕs energy flows.  Any time a tooth is removed, it upsets and breaks an acupuncture meridian that flows through the area of that tooth.

            3. It can cause cavitations or infection pockets.  Any time one has dental surgery, a common complication is the creation of cavitations or pockets of bacteria or other pathogens that are left in the jaw where the tooth was.  This topic is discussed in more detail later in this article.

            4. It can affect the mouth structure.  Although usually wisdom teeth are removed to make sure the mouth and jaw work properly, in fact by using chiropractic manipulation and other techniques, one may not really need the teeth removed.  In a few cases, removing them alters the structure of the jaw and mouth in a harmful way.

            For all these reasons, we do not recommend removing wisdom teeth unless there is a definite reason to do so.




            Tooth decay is an enormous world-wide problem. 


            Causes for decay.  Mineral deficiencies cause tooth decay, and are very common.  The teeth require minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium and others.  Most diets are low in these vital minerals.  Good sources of minerals are cooked, not raw vegetables, whole grains, natural sea salt, kelp, and spring water but not distilled or reverse osmosis water.

              The teeth and bones act as storage sites for minerals.  If the body is low in minerals, as is the case today with most people, the body will steal minerals from the teeth to supply more critical areas of the body.

              Impaired blood circulation to the jaw can contribute to tooth decay.  This is due to tension in the jaw due to postural problems, holding emotions, or other reasons for tension in the jaw.

            Eating anything sweet at all often contributes to tooth decay.  This includes fruit, juices of all kinds, soda pop, milk, nut and seed milks, and all other sweet foods and beverages.  Avoid all of these if you want to keep your teeth in the best shape.

            Lack of rest may be a factor in some tooth decay.


            Hair analysis patterns with tooth decay.  A common pattern is a calcium shell.   This indicates biologically unavailable calcium in the body.  Other possible patterns are a four lows pattern, low phosphorus, low zinc, or a low sodium/potassium ratio.


            Correction.   It is often easy to stop tooth decay by combining a development program with good dental hygiene.  Dr. Weston Price, DDS, reported that he could cause decayed teeth to fill in by themselves.  I have not seen this occur, so I cannot recommend it at this time.


            Fluoride treatments or pills to prevent tooth decay.  There should be no need for fluoride treatments or other toxic approaches to prevent tooth decay.  I suggest avoiding fluoride pills or treatments due to their toxicity.  Be careful because many times these treatments are given without parental permission or knowledge if you are not present with your child in the dentistÕs office.  Fluoridation of the drinking water is discussed in a separate section of this article.

              Other types of chemical sealants for teeth also should not be needed if a person follow a development program.




            Bridges.  These are not perfect, but are a good solution, at times.  Be sure the wired holding the bridge in place is stainless steel, and not nickel.


            Dental Implants.  These are false teeth that are screwed into sockets that are placed in the jawbone.  They look good and provide more strength for chewing than a bridge.

            However, a number of clients have reported getting an infection in the jawbone where the socket is placed in the bone.  This requires removing the implant and the socket.  They are also very costly.  Therefore, we do not recommend dental implants.




              The sad story of silver-mercury amalgam dental fillings.            The standard material used to fill cavities for the past century and a half is a mixture or amalgam of mainly silver and mercury, with a small amount of copper, cadmium and other metals. 

              To place the filling, the tooth must be hollowed out.  The mixture is then placed in the tooth.  The dentist squeezes out some of the mercury, causing the filling to harden.  The mercury content makes the filling soft enough to place inside the tooth.  Mercury also kills bacteria that might cause infection.

           Amalgam fillings have a number of serious drawbacks:


            1.  First and foremost, mercury is a very toxic metal.  Placing it in the mouth assures that some will be leached from the filling into the body.  Also, the mercury can easily vaporize during chewing and during dental procedures, and moves easily to the brain. 

            Mercury is highly toxic for the brain and the nervous system, and is associated with neuro-muscular diseases, autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and many other nervous system disorders.

            We call mercury the Òmad hatter mineralÓ because it caused mental problems in those who used it in the manufacture of hats over 100 years ago.  As of 2009, dentists in America alone placed about 200,000 mercury amalgam dental fillings each day.  For more on this topic, please read Mercury on this website.

            2. The filling material provides no strength to the tooth.  Hollowing out the tooth to place the filling weakens an already sick tooth even more.  This enhances the possibility of cracking the tooth, which often happens, in fact.

            In contrast, using a composite resin or gluing in an inlay or onlay actually strengthens the existing tooth.

            3. Placing metals in the mouth, particularly several kinds of metal in the same mouth, can generate a flow of electrical current in the mouth.  This can affect the brain and general health in some people.  The metals react with saliva like the metals in a battery.  In batteries, dissimilar metals in a conducting medium produce electricity. It is desirable in a battery, but not in your mouth, which is very close to the brain.

            4. Each of our teeth is connected an acupuncture meridian.  According to some leading acupuncturists, when metals are placed in a tooth, they can interfere with the flow of meridian energy through that tooth and through the entire body, as a result.  The non-metallic dental materials are better in this regard.

            5. Other metals in the amalgam such as silver, cadmium, copper and perhaps others are also toxic and have no place in a personÕs mouth.

            6. The slang word to describe a doctor or dentist who is ignorant has to do with the practice of employing mercury amalgam fillings.  Such practitioners are called quacks.  This word came from the German word for mercury, which is quecksilber.  Dentists who used mercury were called ÒquecksÓ, which became quacks in English.


            Sensitivity to mercury, as to all poisons, varies among individuals.  Mercury affects the immune system, the central nervous system, the thyroid gland and other body systems.

              The "mad hatters" of Alice in Wonderland were actual hat makers who became poisoned with mercury.  To make felt hats, workers in the 1800's rubbed mercury on felt.  After several years on the job they became ill, developed mental disturbances, and had to quit their job.

            Research regarding the toxicity of mercury is very clear.  Several nations including Sweden have banned the use of amalgam fillings entirely.  Other nations permit them, but not in pregnant women.  Studies prove that mercury continues to leach from amalgam fillings for years after they are placed in the mouth.

            Toxic waste in your mouth. An odd aspect of modern dentistry is the very material placed in the patients' mouths, when removed, is considered a toxic waste.  The dentist must store removed amalgam under water, in a special container, and cannot dispose of it in the garbage.  The material must be sent to a designated toxic waste dump site.

              Also, you will not find carpeting where a dentist sees patients.  If mercury amalgam spills on carpeting, it is hard to clean up and could contaminate the entire office.  Therefore it has been made illegal to have carpeting around the dental chair.


            The politics of mercury amalgams.  This is a large subject.  Basically, the American Dental Association and other dental groups worldwide are slowly changing their position.  They are defending amalgams less as more research pours in demonstrating their harm.

              However, they are slow to change, perhaps fearing massive lawsuits.  If you are interested in your health, avoid all amalgam dental fillings.  If possible, have your amalgams replaced with composite resin filling materials.


              Amalgam removal and replacement.


              NOTE: We do not think a person needs to visit a biological or holistic dentist for amalgam removal.  Any competent dentist can do this, provided he or she uses plenty of suction and, of course, knows how to place composite dental fillings. 


            Aware dentists sometimes arouse the wrath of other dentists by recommending that apparently healthy amalgam fillings should be replaced with other, less toxic materials.  The materials may include gold or ceramic inlays, or composite resins or other plastic types of materials.

            We believe that all silver-mercury amalgams should be replaced as soon as possible with safer and stronger materials available today.  The only critically important exceptions are:


            1. Anyone with active cancer should wait until the cancer is in remission or gone before starting amalgam replacement.  This information was given to me by a cancer expert with years of experience with cancer therapy.  Patients of his have died who did not observe this caution.

            Apparently, the added stress on the body of the release of a small amount of mercury during the removal process was enough to tip the balance in favor of the cancer and the person died.

            2. Follow a development program for at least two months before amalgam removal.  The simplest program is in the article entitled The Healing Lifestyle on this website.  This will often prevent complications that can occur with amalgam removal.  In our experience, a development program is better than the supplements that some dentists suggest before amalgam removal.

            Ideally, go on a complete development program to avoid problems with amalgam removal.


            The American Dental Association frowns on the replacement of amalgam fillings that appear healthy.  However, many people report feeling much better, often immediately, when less toxic material replaces amalgam fillings.  The improvement may be due to eliminating the offending material, or eliminating subtle electrical currents generated in the mouth.


            Testing for dental material compatibility. Some holistic dentists use blood or other tests to determine if a material is compatible with a person's body chemistry.  This is an excellent idea if a person is sensitive or prone to severe allergies.  However, we do not believe it is needed in every case.


            Amalgam removal technique and procedures.  Here are some of the most important considerations:


            1. Use lots of suction.  This is to prevent any mercury vapors or particles from being inhaled or swallowed during the procedure.  This can be critical in some cases, and is the most important consideration.  Any dentist can replace amalgams, not just a biological or holistic dentist.


            2. Some dentists use a rubber dam to block one from swallowing the amalgam. 

            3. Some biological dentists check for the electrical interference being caused by amalgam dental materials and remove those that are generating the greatest electrical currents first.

            4. As explained above, we strongly recommend a development program to renourish the body and this can minimize adverse effects of amalgam removal.


            Recommended filling materials.  Good materials are:

1. Composite resin, which is a glue-like material.

2. Ceramic inlays or onlays that are molded to the proper shape and then glued into place.

3. Gold is okay, but more costly so it is not used as often.  

              Unlike amalgam fillings, resin fillings or inlays are glued into place and actually strengthen the tooth.  This helps avoid cracking.  Also, if a composite resin filling wears down, the entire filling does not have to be replaced, as with amalgam.  The dentist may just add another layer of resin to the filling. 

            Resin and ceramic fillings also match the color of your teeth, producing a more aesthetic appearance.  An excellent book on the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings is It's All In Your Head, by Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS.


            Gold and other inlays.  Gold alloys are also good dental materials, but have become very costly, so they are not used much.  They must also be molded into inlays, and this is more work.

              An inlay is a piece of replacement tooth that is molded to the exact shape that it needs to be by taking an impression of the cavity in the tooth, and then creating a mold, into which is poured the heated liquid alloy or a liquid plastic or resin material that then hardens into the exact shape needed.  Then this is glued into place in the patientÕs mouth.

            This is quite a bit more work than just putting some plastic resin material into the cavity, but it is needed in some cases in which the tooth has been partially destroyed by decay.

            Inlays are often today made of ceramic and/or composite resin materials.  These can work well and while they are glued into place, the glue and the inlay helps strengthen what is left of the tooth, which is helpful.




            Avoid nickel.  Braces and some dental wires, bridges, crowns and other dental appliances may be made of mostly  nickel.  Nickel is a highly toxic metal that is used due to its strength qualities, but that should never be used in the mouth.

              Nickel can cause depression, suicidal thoughts and perhaps cancer as well.  Unfortunately, it is still used by some dentists to fit braces, in a few less expensive crowns, and in other applications.

            Wires can be made of stainless steel.  Implants are made of titanium or zirconimum, which seem okay.  Resins are okay, too.

            Metal orthodontic braces.  Avoid these, as we find these often contain too much nickel.  Today this is a serious problem for teens and others who need or want braces.




            This is a separate section of this article because it is a critical topic.  The phrase Ôroot canalsÕ refers to a procedure in which a dentist drills out the entire center or a tooth, destroying the nerve of the tooth to get rid of tooth pain.

            Then the dentist fills the drilled out area with mercury amalgam or another material.  After that, a crown is usually placed over the tooth to give it a good appearance and more hardness.

            We never recommend this procedure because these teeth are almost always dangerously infected, even if they donÕt hurt and even if infection does not show up on dental x-rays.  Many of them infect within 18 months of the procedure.

            If such root canal-filled teeth remain inside the mouth, they spew extremely toxic bacteria into the body that severely weaken health and can contribute to cancer and other diseases, even if there are no symptoms whatsoever.  Infected root canal-filled teeth are often not detected on x-rays, and can go unnoticed for years.

            The rationale for root canals is that if a tooth is dying or not healthy, it is better to leave it in place and try to save it, rather than just pull it out.  Several cancer experts have noted that most cancer patients improved when all infected and root-canal filled teeth were removed, even if they appeared healthy.


            If a root canal procedure is suggested to you.  Here are some ideas for those facing root canal surgery:


            1. Immediately begin a complete development program.  You may be able to revive the tooth in this manner.  A number of clients have reported that teeth that dentists told them required a root canal came back to life and no root canal treatment was needed.

            2. With the development program, use a reddish Ôheat lampÕ on the tooth.  Shine the light as close as you can to the jaw or even open your mouth and shine it on the tooth itself. 

            Do this for a minute or two, at least, holding the light as close as possible without burning yourself, and repeat this treatment 10 times daily.  DonÕt allow the tooth to become inflamed and painful, but allow the light to stimulate the circulation in a powerful way.

            3. With the development program, press on the foot reflex point that corresponds to your infected tooth.  To learn how to do this, please read Reflexology on this site.


           If you have already had a root canal filled tooth procedure, we suggest having the tooth extracted.  If you have a cancer diagnosis, or even suspect cancer, we would definitely remove all root canal-filled teeth at once.


            If a tooth is removed, one will need a bridge or implant so that the teeth on either side do not move into the space left by the extraction.  We prefer a simple bridge.  The exception is if the tooth that is removed is the back tooth, in which case no bridge or implant is required unless you want more chewing surface.




            Surprisingly, development science, combined with shining a single reddish heat lamp on the jaw near the affected tooth, has proven very helpful to heal abscessed teeth.  We suggest avoiding antibiotics, if possible, as they are quite toxic.

            The procedure I suggest is as follows:

1. Follow a complete development program to improve your overall vitality, immune response and energy level.

2. Use of a single reddish heat lamp.  Use the lamp on the jaw near the tooth for 10 minutes at a time, about 5 or 6 times daily.  This is important and very helpful. 

3. You may use colloidal silver as a natural antibiotic.  Take a tablespoon or a brand that is less than 50 parts per million silver twice or three times daily, and tilt your head so that the silver product moves over the affected tooth.  Do this for at least a week or two.


            With this method, many abscesses will resolve by themselves.  Often they will start to drain into the mouth.  They may form a bubble or boil on the gum near the tooth.  This is fine and no cause for concern.  The abscess may drain into the mouth for weeks or months if the abscess was severe, and this does not seem to be a problem either.  Do not fill the tooth if this is occurring.  Just let it drain until it stops and then the tooth can be filled, if needed.



            Cavitations are pockets of debris and infection left behind after tooth extractions, or from other dental procedures.  They become foci of infection, similar to infected root canals.  Bacteria or bacterial toxins can move from the cavitation area into the blood stream, where they can easily cause damage to many organs and tissues.

            While many conventional dentists donÕt consider cavitations a problem, they may be an important cause of ill health.  Anyone who has had dental extractions or procedures and is not feeling well afterwards may have cavitations.  Here are some options if you think you have one or more cavitations:


            1. Embark on a complete development program.  Also, be sure to use a near infrared lamp sauna every day – and no other type of sauna.  Use it perhaps twice daily, for 30-40 minutes each session. 

            In our experience, a complete development program will slowly bring up old dental infections and cavitations, and heal them in almost all cases.  It may take a few years, but if you can be patient, this is best, as this therapy will bring up infections all over the body and heal them as well.  There are many other benefits of development and sauna therapy as well.


            2. If this does not work, some biological dentists understand cavitations and know how to find them and remove them.  A machine called the Cavitat is helpful to find them.

            The surgery can become somewhat involved as the dentist must open up the area, and then clean out all the infected tissue and often some jawbone, as well.  There is always a possibility of damaging other structures such as a nerve, causing other problems.

            More information about cavitations is found in the book by Drs. Munro and Hall in their book Toxic Dentistry Exposed.  Another source is Root Canal Cover-Up by Dr. George E. Meinig, DDS.




            Another area of interest to some biological dentists is the natural, non-surgical treatment of gum disease, or periodontitis.  Gum disease is extremely common, and a cause of loss of teeth, and other disfigurements.  

            Surgery, namely scraping the gums, a very crude procedure at best, should rarely if ever be required for this condition.  Instead, here are two very good alternatives to try first.


              1. Development.  In our experience, gum disease usually responds easily and quickly to a development program, along with good basic dental hygiene.  This would tell us that the cause in these cases has to do with faulty biochemistry.

            Toxic metals such as excess copper, for example, low zinc, high cadmium and others are also often involved.  These are easily resolved with a properly designed development program.


            2. The blotting technique.  Another alternative that can be combined with a development program is called the blotting technique pioneered by Dr. Joseph Phillips, DDS.  It is simple, and inexpensive.  It consists of buying a special toothbrush that is designed to absorb toxins into its bristles.  This is used in a special way to essentially ÒblotÓ or suck toxins out of the gums, instead of using a toothbrush the usual ways, which often pushes the toxins into the gums. 

              According to reports I received, this method often works superbly.  To buy the special blotting brushes and information about how to use them click on the link below for the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation:






            Another fairly common dental problem is misalignment of the temporo-mandibular joint or TMJ.  This joint is located just below the ears.  The jaw pivots at this joint when it opens and closes. 

            Misalignment or stress on this joint is common.  It may be due to an imperfect bite, missing teeth, dental appliances, accidents or other reasons. 

              This condition can cause fatigue, headaches, neck aches, facial ticks, disturbed sleep and other symptoms.  Those with TMJ problems often hear or feel a slight clicking or popping sound or sensation when opening or closing their mouth.

            Some dentists specialize in helping to correct the TMJ problems with various exercises, appliances, dental adjustments to the teeth, etc.  This can help some people who have this disorder.  Improving overall health also helps reduce tension in the jaw, as can chiropractic, osteopathic manipulation, massage and other natural healing modalities.

            We do not recommend grinding down the teeth and crowning the teeth to correct TMJ problems.  This is too invasive and damages the teeth.




            If the teeth are not aligned correctly, the teeth tend to wear improperly, chewing is impaired, and one often suffers from headaches, a tense jaw, and other maladies.


            A personal story.  A proper bite also seems to require a variety of nutrients, along with eating hard foods that encourage chewing.  The author wore braces until age 20.  Then he discovered that thoroughly chewing natural foods realigned his jaw and made braces unnecessary. 

            In fact, a proper bite depends on much more than this, and the entire bone structure of the body must be aligned and balanced properly or one will have problems with the dental arch.  Weston Price, DDS, showed that malnutrition causes a narrowing of the dental arch.  This affects most Western people today.           




            Dental licensing boards often viciously

Attack dentists who try to improve the practice of dentisty.  Tell your legislators you insist upon the dental treatment of your choice.



            This is a total abomination that has been abandoned everywhere in the world except in the USA and parts of Great Britain and perhaps Australia.  Recent studies show that tooth decay has declined in both fluoridated and unfluoridated areas.

            Unfluoridated areas showed the same decline as fluoridated areas.  Most nations do not permit fluoridation of their water because it simply does not work, it is costly, and it is very dangerous for general health.

            Sodium fluoride is a potent enzyme poison.  The toxic dose is very close to the safe dose used in municipal water supplies.  Problems with artificial fluoridation at "safe levels" include allergic reactions, fluorosis (fluoride poisoning), increased hip fractures, osteoporosis, increased birth defects, more cases of cancer, learning disorders and lowered IQ scores in children, among other problems.

            Fluoride also competes with iodine and is responsible for many thyroid ailments as well.  Adding fluoride to water tends to cause more leaching of lead and aluminum into the water from pipes and other water infrastructure.  Fluorides are also toxic to wildlife, plants and domesticated livestock.

          While the US federal government supports fluoridation, the Environmental Protection Agency's union of professional employees, Local 2050, opposes fluoridation.  They even attempted to sue the EPA for covering up and omitting data in their fluoridation studies.  Fluoride is a by-produce of the aluminum and fertilizer industries, and is considered a toxic waste.  Companies are delighted to dispose of their fluoride in our water supplies.  References at the end of this article and a separate article on Fluoridation provide much more information about this so-called preventive dentistry measure that should be stopped at once.

            Finding a biological dentist.  Sadly, there are very few dentists who understand and practice all of the concepts discussed in this article, although the number is growing somewhat.

              Even if a dentist claims to be a biological, preventive or holistic dentist, this is no guarantee that he or she is a fine dentist who uses the best materials and the best techniques. Therefore, finding a good dentist is challenging.

              Possible sources of referrals for a biological dentist are the Holistic Dental Association (, and the IABDM (International Association of Biological and Dental Medicine.) at  However, one must know that membership in these organizations is not guarantee of quality or good service.  Often the best thing to do is just to ask around for a very high quality regular dentist who will listen to your requests on how you want your mouth treated.  You may show them a copy of this article, perhaps.


            Dentistry a very toxic profession.  One must also know that dentistry is one of the most toxic medical professions.  Dentists are exposed to mercury, nickel, laughing gas, anesthetics, and other toxic metals and chemicals in the course of their work.

            As a result, most all dentists, in our experience, are not well.  They could all use a development program to detoxify their own bodies, and those of their staff, as well.



1. Caldwell, G. and Zanfagna, P, MD, Fluoridation and Truth Decay, Top-Ecol Press, Reseda, CA, 1974.

2. Foundation for Toxic-Free Dentistry, PO Box 608010, Orlando, FL 32860. (offers an excellent newsletter).

3. Hileman, B., "Fluoridation of Water", Chemical and Engineering News, August 1, 1988.

4. International Oral Health Society, P.O. Box 1968, Eau Claire, WI.  (I do not know if this group still exists.  They provided information and materials for the blotting technique for gum disease) 

5. "Interview with Carl H. Jelstrup, DC", The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Feb/Mar 1998, #175/176, pp. 64-76.

6. Huggins, H., DDS, It's All In Your Head.

7. Price, W., DDS, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, La Mesa, CA, 1945, 1979.

8. Stockton, S., ÒJawbone Cavitations: Infarction, Infection and Systemic DiseaseÓ, Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, April 2000, p. 102-105.

9. Mouth Matters by Carol Vander Stroep, RDH.

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