An Introduction

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© October 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any health condition.

Table Of Contents

I. Introduction

II. The First Seven Letters

III. The Second Seven Letters

IV. The Third Seven Letters

V. The Vowels

VI. Time

VII. The meaning of the word l-o-v-e



Writing this article was not easy because it is about a subject of which I know little. The article was given to me and I hope I have written it down accurately.

This article introduces the ancient language called Ebre. I am told this language is spoken throughout the universe and is much needed on earth at this time.

The language was given to the people of the earth. However, it became mixed with other languages and became corrupt. The purpose of this article is to help restore it.

Ebre sounds somewhat like American English. This is because there was a project to restore this language to planet earth through the English language.


A spiritual healing language. Knowing and speaking Ebre will assist you to become more spiritually-oriented and will enable you to understand complex scientific and spiritual subjects more easily.

Its use will also assist your health and your Development. Ebre has built into its structure extensive information about the body that is desperately needed today.

A power language. Speaking the Ebre words spins the 21 energy centers of the body properly and supports their activity. This greatly strengthens the body and mind.

A universal language. Ebre is spoken by many fine matter beings throughout the universe. For details about fine matter, read Bodies – Their Structure And Functions.

Helping to unify the people of earth. Knowing and speaking Ebre will assist the people of the earth to understand each other better and to be more loving toward each other.


The prophetess Sahra. I am told that Ebre was brought forth on earth by the first prophet of the Hebrew religion. Her name was Sahra. With her husband, Abraham, this couple founded the Hebrew religion about 3500 years ago. Their lives are discussed in the Hebrew Bible.

I am spelling her name as Sahra to emphasize that the a needs to sound like the word sorrow.

Corruption.  About one thousand years after the Ebre language was given to Sahra, it became mixed with other earth languages and its essence was lost. This article is designed to help re-introduce the original language.

We hope nothing in this article offends anyone, as that is not its intent.

Confirmation. At this time, we are not aware of other websites that discuss this language. Therefore, you will have to use your own judgment in evaluating this article.



Each letter refers to a type or quality of love. At the end of this article, we discuss the meaning of the letters L-O-V-E, in terms of the Ebre alphabet.


There are 21 letters in the Ebre alphabet. They correspond to the 21 energy centers that are part of every living being in the universe. The letters look and sound similar to modern Hebrew letters except:

- There is fewer letters, such as no letter chet.

- A few letters are not in a different order.

Masculine and feminine. The letters alternate between masculine and feminine letters.

Hard and soft sounds. The masculine letters have a harder sound, while the feminine letters have a softer sound. Since masculine and feminine letters alternate, the hard and soft sounds also alternate.

Consonants. Most Ebre words contain two or three consonants. The words are arranged into sentences and paragraphs, just like in English and in modern Hebrew.

Vowels. All of the Ebre letters of the alphabet are consonants.  Vowel sounds are written below the letters of the alphabet using a system of dots. This is similar to Biblical and modern Hebrew. However, the Ebre dot system is simpler and somewhat different than that of earth Hebrew.


The structure of the language is similar to English. Letters are strung together to form words, just as in English and other languages. One also reads the words from left to right.

Types of words. The Ebre language contains nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. This is exactly the same as English and many other languages.

Paragraphs. In Ebre, sentences are strung together into paragraphs, exactly as in English.

Pages. Ebre text is organized into pages, just as in English.


The 21 letters of the Ebre language correlate with the first 21 energy centers that are on every living being. This makes Ebre simpler to understand and powerful in its effects on the body.

These swirling vortices of subtle energy cannot be seen by most people. However, they are real and many books describe them and name them. They help form and maintain the physical body of every living creature. They have different names in various books. We will call them the energy centers in this article.

For details about the energy centers, read The Energy Centers. This website also contains numerous articles about the 7 System. These are found at The Seven System.


The first seven letters of the Ebre alphabet relate to the first seven energy centers of the body.

1. Ah (pronounced ah)

This is the first letter in the Ebre alphabet. It is very similar to the A in English and many other languages.

Appearance. It looks like a large X.

Pronunciation. In Ebre, this letter is pronounced ah.

Gender. The ah is a masculine letter.

Energy Center. The letter ah refers to the first energy center. This energy center begins just above the perineum or floor of the pelvis and extends downward between the legs a few inches.

Meaning. The ah is the start of the alphabet, and the start of life. It is associated with basics, beginnings, survival and creation.

The ah also refers to the void or emptiness that existed before the creation of the world. Words starting with this letter sometimes have to do with the void or emptiness.

Mathematics. The ah is associated with a point. This is the simplest mathematical or vector symbol and principle.

Examples. The ah is used in many words. Often it is at the beginning of the word.

All. This commonly used word in English means everything or includes everything. The Ebre language has the same word with a similar meaning.

Assert. This word in English means to propose or speak forth.  It is also a word in Ebre. It starts with an A because it is birthing or originating something new.

2. BEI (pronounced like the word bay)

Bei is the second Ebre letter. It corresponds to the letter B in English and other languages.

Appearance. The bei is written as a vertical line with a much smaller horizontal line at the top moving to the left.

Pronunciation. Bei is pronounced the same as the letter B in English.

Gender. Bei is a feminine letter. Twoness is a feminine concept.

Energy center. The letter bei relates to the second energy center. This energy center is located about four fingers below the navel on the midline of the body.

Meaning. The second energy center has to do with emotions, sexuality, intimate relationships and creation.

Mathematics. The bei has to do with a second dimension of reality called a vector in mathematics. It is pictured as a line. It has length, but no depth. Length is a two dimensional quality.

Examples. Build is a word in English that means to construct.  It is also a word in Ebre.

It begins with B because it has to do with constructing something, a quality of the second energy center.  For example, women “build” babies using this energy center.

Better is another English word that is also a word in Ebre.  It is a comparison word. The letter B is used with many words that compare one thing with another – part of the concept of two-ness.

Bereshit is the first word of the old testament of the Bible.  It is also a word in Ebre, although it is pronounced breshit with the emphasis on the first syllable.  It means to make or create.

Some prominent Hebrew scholars, including Iben Ezra and Rashi believed the word bereshit is mistranslated in English versions of the Old Testament.

It is commonly translated as “In the beginning”.  However, in the opinion of these and other rabbis, (and this is clearly true in Ebre) the true meaning is “In a beginning”.

If the word bereshit meant the very beginning of all creation, it would have begun with an A (or aleph in Hebrew). Instead, it begins with a B.

This means that the story of Adam and Eve is not the first creation. It is just a creation. This correlates much better with modern science, which tells us that the earth is about 200 billion years old, not 6000 years old, as some Bible scholars assert.

This means there were other creations before Adam and Eve.  Some worked, and some did not.

The scholars whose work I read for this article used grammatical analysis to distinguish the true meaning of the word bereshit.  If you want to read about it, go to:

Bed. This common word in English is also a word in Ebre. It begins with a B because it is where a couple produces babies. Also, it is a type of crucible, nest, or womb. This is a feminine concept.

3. GI (pronounced like gee)

This is the third letter in Ebre. It corresponds to the letter G in English.

Appearance. The gi is written as a vertical line with two very small horizontal lines that move to the left – one at the top of the vertical line and one at the bottom.

Pronunciation. The gi is always pronounced, and always has a hard G sound, as in our word go. For example, it is not pronounced like the English word ginger.

Gender. The gi is a masculine letter.

Energy center. The gi is related to the third energy center of the body. This center is located at the solar plexus on the midline of the body. Some call it the solar plexus center. The third center has to do with power, control, the ego, and basic beliefs. Words beginning with or containing the gi may also have to do with ego traits.

Meaning. The third energy center also has to do with the third dimension of space, which is structure. Recall that the second dimension was vectors or length. The third dimension of space is the triangle, which is the basic structure of all life.

Words with gi in Ebre often have to do with structures of some kind.

Examples. Go is a common word in English. It is also a word in Ebre. It means to take action or move. It is about applying power and control and it is a masculine concept.

Ego. This word in English is also a word in the Ebre language. It contains the gi and refers to the personality structure of a human being.

Great. This English word is also a word in Ebre and describes a quality of a structure of some kind.

4. DE (pronounced dee)

This is the fourth letter in the Ebre language. It is related to the English letter D.

Appearance. The de is written as a vertical line with a fairly long line at the top that is horizontal and moves to the left.

Pronunciation. De is pronounced like the English letter D.

Gender and meaning. The de is a feminine letter because masculine and feminine letters alternate in Ebre.

Energy Center. The de refers to the fourth physical energy center. This energy center is located in the lower part of the chest along the midline of the body. It is sometimes called the heart center.

It has to do with one’s social life, family and other social relationships, and fulfilling family and work obligations. Relationships of this kind are often a feminine-oriented.

Words in Ebre beginning with or containing the de often have to do with these subjects.

Examples. Delight in English means happy or content. It is also a word in the Ebre language. It is a quality of the heart or fourth energy center, so it begins with a D.

Dog. This is an animal that is very friendly and helpful. The word dog is also found in the Ebre language. It is pronounced in a similar way and the meaning is the same.

5. HAI

This is the fifth Ebre letter.  It corresponds to our letter H.

Gender and meaning. The hai is a masculine letter.

Energy center.  It corresponds to the fifth physical energy center on the body.  This center is located at the level of the throat.  It is sometimes called the throat center.

This center has to do with creative expression.  Words that begin or contain the hai often have to do with creative expression of one kind or another. 

Pronunciation. Hai is pronounced the same as our letter H in English.

Examples:  Hey.  This is an announcement or creative expression, so it begin with H.  It is also a word in Ebre that means pay attention.

Ha in Ebre and in earth Hebrew means the.  It announces a creative expression. For example, Rosh Hashanah means Head of the new year.  It is also the name of an important Hebrew holiday.


6. VEE

This is the sixth letter in Ebre and in Hebrew.  It corresponds to the letter V in English.

Gender and meaning.  Vee is a feminine letter because the masculine and feminine letters alternate. 

Energy center. The letter vee corresponds to the sixth physical energy center.  This center is located on the forehead between the eyebrows.  It is sometimes called the brow center.

This center has to do with learning, knowledge and wisdom.  Words containing the V also have to do with emphasis or impact.

Pronunciation.  Vee is always pronounced, and is pronounced similarly to the English letter V.  It is a soft sound because it is a feminine letter.

Example. Very is an English word that means to give emphasis or accentuate another word or concept.  It is about emphasis and greater impact, so it begins with a V.


7. Zee

This is the seventh letter in Ebre.  It corresponds to the letter Z in English.

Gender and meaning. The zee is another masculine letter. 

Energy center. The letter Z refers to the seventh physical energy center.  This center is located at the crown of the head and extends upward from the crown of the head.  It is sometimes called the crown center

Words containing this letter often have to do with culmination, completion or a spiritual concept.  It also has to do with connection to the spiritual realm and one’s connection to God.

Pronunciation.  Zee is always pronounced. Its pronunciation is similar to the English letter Z.

Examples:  Zero in English and Ebre is a special number that multiples other numbers by 10.  It enlarges or enhances.  In this regard, it is a spiritual concept so it begins with the Z.

Zohar.  This is the name of one of the important Hebrew holy books.  It is also a word in Ebre that means a spiritual guide.

We have now completed the first seven letters of the Ebre alphabet.



General meaning.  The second seven letters relate to the second octave of the 7 System.  The second octave is associated with the eighth through the fourteenth energy centers, or energy centers 8 - 14.  All of these are located above every person’s head.  The higher the center, the further away the center is from the physical body.

These energy centers are much less well known on earth, but they are all real.  They are concerned with mental aspects of life, and less concerned with the physical life or a person.  Let us examine each of these letters in more detail.

8. TE

Te is the eighth letter in the Ebre alphabet.  This is not true of the Biblical and modern Hebrew alphabets, which have an extra letter inserted called het. The te is associated with our letter T.

Gender and meaning. Te is a feminine letter.  This is because it follows Z, which is a masculine letter.

Energy center. The eighth letter refers to the eighth energy center of the body.  The eighth center is the second octave of the first center (7+ 1 = 8), so the two are related.  Both concern basics, beginnings, survival and a previous void.  However, the second octave always has more to do with mental aspects of our being rather than physical aspects.

Pronunciation.  Te is pronounced similarly to our letter T, except its sound is softer.  There is another letter in Hebrew, the tav, that is a masculine letter and whose sound is a harder T sound.  Feminine letters always have a softer sound than masculine letters.

Examples. The word total is also a word in the Ebre language.   It refers to a mental condition, primarily, and a very basic one.  For this reason, it begins with a T.


9. Y

This is the ninth letter of the older dialect. It corresponds to the English letter Y.

Gender and meaning. Y is a masculine letter, so it has a harder sound. 

Energy Center. The Y relates to the ninth energy center.  The ninth energy center is the second octave of, and related to, the second energy center (7 + 2 = 9). The ninth energy center has to do with the mental aspect of the emotions and the mental aspect of sexual and other intimate relationships.

Pronunciation.  The Y has a hard sound, similar to the Y sound in words such as yes and yesterday.

Examples. Yes. This is also a word in Ebre.  It means a positive mental response, and it carries a lot of positive emotion with it, so it begins with a Y.

Yeshua. (with emphasis on the first syllable). This was the actual name of Jesus. It means a type of love that is mental with emotional power.

Yaweh.(with emphasis on the first syllable.)  This is one of the sacred names of God in the old testament of the Bible.  Some Jewish people do not even pronounce this word, considering it too holy too utter.

This word means the living, everlasting light.  It begins with Y because in Ebre it refers to certain mental qualities of God. 


10. L

This is the tenth letter of the Ebre alphabet.  It corresponds to the letter L in English.

Gender and meaning. L is another feminine letter because it follows the Y, a masculine letter.

Energy center. The tenth Hebrew letter corresponds to the tenth energy center.  This is the second octave of the third energy center (7 + 3 = 10). If you recall, the third energy center is called the solar plexus center.  It has to do with power, control, ego and beliefs.  The tenth center continues this idea, but on a more mental level.

Pronunciation. The L in Ebre is pronounced the same as the L in English.

Examples.  Love.  The English word love is also a word in the Ebre language.  It refers to a powerful mental aspect of caring about and honoring others.


11. P

This is the 11th letter in the ancient Ebre language. This letter corresponds to the letter P in English.

Gender and meaning. This is another masculine letter. 

Energy center. The letter p corresponds to the second octave of the fourth energy center (7 + 4 = 11).  The fourth energy center has to do with friends and social interaction.  Words in Ebre starting with or even just containing the p often have to do with mental aspects of social interactions or friendships.

Pronunciation. Its pronunciation is the same as the P in English. 

Example. Parade is a word in English and in Ebre that means a gathering of many people for a celebration or event.  It is a social occasion.


12. M

This is the twelfth letter of the Ebre alphabet. 

Gender and meaning.  M is a very important feminine letter.  In fact, the M is a feminine sound in many languages.  For example, feminine English words include mother, marriage, multiply, madam and maternal. Feminine names include Mary, Maria, Miriam, Martha, Margaret, Melissa, Emma, and Emily.  It is a soft, gentle feminine sound.

Energy center. The twelfth letter corresponds to the twelfth energy center located above the head of every person.  This center is the second octave of the fifth physical energy center or throat center (7 + 5 = 12). It has to do with the mental aspects of creative expression.  Often, words in the Ebre language that begin with M are about a feminine creative expression.

Few women operate at this level today.  Most are too suppressed to do so.  An example of one of them was the late Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India (see our article about her).  This city was merely one of the first of 517 cities around the world where she set up homes for the poor, sick and dying around the world.  She was quite a remarkable power on earth.

Another woman who operated at this level was the late Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain.  She turned her nation around from a socialist mess to a capitalist power after World War II.  Recently, some have tried to discredit and downplay the achievements of Mrs. Thatcher.  In truth, she was a remarkable leader. Another such person was Florence Nightingale (see the article about her.)

Pronunciation.  The M is pronounced the same as the letter M in English.

Examples. Mother is a word in Ebre as well as in English.  It refers to one who gave birth to a child.  It can also refer to a force or power that is feminine in nature.

Melchizedek is an ancient Hebrew word that refers to a cosmos-wide priesthood that promotes goodness on all planets.  The M sound tells you it is not just for or about men.

The Hebrew Bible states that Abraham, founder of the Hebrew people, was visited by the Melchizedek priests.  The Christian Bible states that Jesus was also visited by and a member of the Melchizedek Order or priesthood.  Both were given guidance from this elite group of men and women.

Merkaba is another famous Hebrew word.  It translates as a chariot or sometimes as vehicle of light.  Vehicles are feminine in the Ebre language because they contain or hold things.

The word merkaba is found in the Hebrew Bible 44 times.  It is related to Development, an important subject on this website.  It is also a key to healing the body deeply. This website contains an important article entitled Merkaba Science.

Merkaba is also about creative expression on a mental level.  Development of the merkaba, in fact, is the beginning of the truly creative human being.

The six-pointed star found on the flag of the State of Israel is a merkaba symbol.  It is the appearance of the merkaba at an early stage of its development in a human being. 


13. N

The letter N is the thirteenth letter. It corresponds to the sound and letter N in English.

Gender and meaning. The N is a masculine letter.

Energy center. It is associated with the thirteenth energy center.  Found above the head in everyone, this center is the second octave of the sixth energy center on the body (7 + 6 = 13).

The sixth center has to do with learning, knowledge and wisdom.  The thirteenth center continues this basic theme at a more mental level.

Pronunciation.  In the Ebre language, one pronounces N the same as the letter N in English.

Example. Nice.  This is a word in both English and Ebre.  It means good or helpful in English.

In Ebre, its meaning is slightly different.  It has to do with something or someone who helps and assists in a particularly mental way.  This is why it begins with the letter N.


14. S

This is the fourteenth letter of the Ebre alphabet.  It corresponds to the letter S in English and other modern languages.

Gender and meaning. The S is a feminine letter.

Energy center. The S has to do with the fourteenth energy center located above the head of a human being.  The fourteenth center is the second octave of, and related to, the seventh energy center (7 + 7 = 14).

Pronunciation. This is the same as our English S.

Examples.  Sage. This is a word in English and in Ebre that means a wise person.  In Ebre, it means a spiritually-oriented person, as well, and this is why it begins with the letter S.

Science. This important word in English and in Ebre has to do with a method of learning and knowing things.  In Ebre, it is a spiritual method, so it begins with the S.



These letters have to do with the third or spiritual octave of the 7 System.

15. AI

This is the 15th letter of the of the Ebre alphabet.

Gender and meaning. This is a masculine letter because it follows a feminine letter.  Masculine and feminine letters alternate in the Ebre alphabet.

Energy center. The AI corresponds to the fifteenth energy center.  This is the first energy center of the third octave (14 + 1 = 15).  The third octave concerns the spiritual level of life, and this is the first letter of this octave. 

Pronunciation.  The AI is pronounced similar to the letter I in English.

Example. The word EYE in English refers to an organ of the head.  It is also a word in Ebre, and it means more than than the physical eye.  It refers to a spiritual concept of vision.  For this reason, it begins with the AI.

The letter I in English is used as the first person pronoun.  In Ebre, a similar pronoun exists.  However, it is a spiritual concept so it begins with the letter AI.  It means the basic spiritual aspect of a person.

16. K

This is the sixteenth letter.  It is in the Hebrew alphabet, but not in the same location in the alphabet.  It corresponds to the letter K in English.

Gender and meaning.  K is a feminine letter.

Energy center. The letter K has to do with the sixteenth center. This is the third octave of the second center (14 + 2 = 16).

The second center has to do with emotions and intimate relationships.  The sixteenth center has to do with spiritual aspects of the emotions.

Pronunciation.  This letter is always pronounced similarly to our English letter K.  It is a hard sound, such as in the words cake or bake.

In English, the letter K can be silent, such as the word knee.  In contrast, the K in Ebre is never silent.

Example.  Kathy is a woman’s name in English.  In Ebre, it can also be the name of a woman.  However, it has a more spiritual meaning.

It means one who is at a high level of spiritual and mental development.  It begins with a feminine letter, so it usually refers to a woman.  However, it could refer to a man who has certain feminine spiritual qualities.

17. TZ

This is the 17th letter of the Ebre alphabet.

Gender and meaning. This is a masculine letter.

Energy center. The TZ relates to the third octave of the third energy center (14 + 3 = 17).  The third energy center has to do with basic beliefs, and ego power and control.  The seventeenth center has to do with spiritual power. Words that contain the TZ in Ebre are always concerned with this aspect of spiritual or religious life.

Pronunciation.  Its pronunciation is like a hard TS sound in English.  It is a very strong sound that is not common in English.

Example. Tsedakah.  This word in Biblical Hebrew is often translated as charity.  However, based on the letters it contains, this is not correct.  The correct translation is righteousness, justice or fairness.  It is a masculine word and a forceful one.  It has to do with building spiritual power by assisting others.

Hebrew people are the most charitable people on planet earth.  This has been shown over and over in studies of charitable giving.  While they compose only about 2% of the American population, for example, about 30% of the largest donors to charity are Jewish.

Hebrew people also do not donate only to Jewish causes, but to all types of charities.  This is also quite unique.

One reason for this has to do with the word tsedakah.  It does not mean to just be generous or charitable.  It means that giving to others and helping others is a solid (masculine) obligation or requirement.  It is literally about justice, righteousness and fairness.  No other group of people has a word like this to describe their obligation to be charitable toward all people.

Hebrew people have an undeserved reputation of being stingy or selfish.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Some other groups are very jealous of the charitable quality of Hebrew people, and choose to deny and denigrate them with false beliefs.

Jesus, a Hebrew man, emphasized this spiritual activity, so Christians are also a generous group of people.  Together, they cause America to be the most charitable nation on earth, much more than other nations.

Tzadik.  This is another Biblical Hebrew word that means a righteous person.  It is a forceful spiritual word that means a person with a strong spiritual outlook on life. The word is often used to describe the Hebrew prophets.

18. R

This is the 18th letter of the Ebre alphabet. It is the equivalent of the R in English.

Gender. This is another feminine letter. In Ebre, it usually has a soft sound for this reason.

Energy center. The R corresponds to the fourth energy center of the third octave (14 + 4 = 18). The fourth center or heart center has to do with social aspects of life such as friendships and other social contact. In the third octave, it has to do with the spiritual aspect of friendships and one’s social life.

Pronunciation. Its pronunciation is similar to the R sound in English.

Examples. Err. This word I English means to make a mistake.  In the Ebre language, it means to make a specific type of mistake having to do with spirituality.

Most words in English that begin with the letter R are not found in the Ebre language.

19. SH

This is the 19th letter of the Ebre alphabet. There is no letter exactly like it in English. It has an SH sound.

Gender and meaning. This is a masculine letter.

Energy center. The SH corresponds to the third octave of the fifth energy center (14 + 5 = 19).  The fifth energy center has to do with expression. The nineteenth center has to do with spiritual expression. Words in Ebre that begin with SH usually have to do with expression at a spiritual level.

Pronunciation. SH is pronounced with a hard SH sound.

Example. Shame. This is an important word in both English and Ebre.  In both languages it means a painful feeling or emotion that has to do with feeling guilty of something.

In the Ebre language, it specifically refers to a spiritual level problem of the personality.

Shake or shaken.  These English words have a corresponding word in Ebre - sheka.  In the Ebre language, this word means mixed up.  Specifically, it has to do with a spiritual mix-up, so it begins with the SH letter.

20. T

The T is the 20th letter in the Ebre alphabet. It is pronounced like the letter T in English.

Gender. This is a feminine letter.

Energy center. The T corresponds to the third octave of the sixth energy center (14 + 6 = 20).The sixth energy center is called the brow center.  It is located at the level of the forehead just above and between the eyebrows.

The sixth energy center has to do with learning and knowledge. The twentieth energy center specifically deals with spiritual knowledge and sending it out to others.  We call this broadcasting on this website. For details, read Broadcasting and Maturity For Women.

Pronunciation.  The T is pronounced the same as the T in English.

Example. The number two.  This English word refers to the second integer.  The Ebre language contains a similar word.  However, it has a more spiritual meaning.  Two in this language means a spiritual process of addition process – one plus one. 

21. Soft T

This is the 21st and final letter of the Ebre alphabet.

Gender and meaning. This is a masculine letter because the gender of the letters alternate.

Energy center. The soft T has to do with the third octave of the seventh energy center (14 + 7 = 21).  The seventh energy center has to do with culmination, integration, and spiritual completion.  The twenty-first center is a completion of the first 21 centers of a human being – an important spiritual milestone.

Words in Ebre beginning with or containing the soft T concern this theme.

Pronunciation.  Pronunciation is a soft T sound.

Examples.  Torah.  This is a word in Hebrew that means the holy book or book of completion.  As some people know, this scripture details the history of mankind and the Hebrew people, from their Creation up through about 2500 years ago.

In Ebre, a similar word means to read a book for spiritual reasons.



Functions of vowels.  The vowels in the old Hebrew dialect, unlike English, are used to:

1. Change the tense of a word

2. Change the type of word such as a noun or a verb.

3. Change the meaning of a word.

4. Provide vowel sounds, as in English.

In this ancient Hebrew, the vowels are different from modern and Biblical Hebrew.  In this ancient script, the vowels are the sounds that promote the opening of the seven physical energy centers.  This is very important because this helps with Development, the goal of nutritional balancing science.



In the ancient dialect, time is arranged according to the 7 system, as follows:

Seconds in a minute = 49 (7x 7)

Minutes in an hour = 49 (7 x 7)

Hours in the day = 28 (7 x 4)

Day in a week = 7

Weeks in a month = 4

Months in a year = 14 (7 x 2)


We can learn about the meaning of the word love from the letters of the ancient Hebrew dialect


The letter L in English is associated with the lamed in ancient Hebrew.  This is a feminine letter and the tenth letter of the ancient alphabet.  This has to do with the tenth energy center on the human and animal body.  The tenth center is associated with building and announcing on a mental level.

A common word in modern Hebrew is el.  It means moving toward something.  For example, the Israeli airline is named El Al.  It means toward above.

The word el in Spanish means the.  It is a pronoun that announces something, as does the L in love.

The word el in Hebrew also refers to God.  In Christian theology, it refers to all three branches of the trinitythe Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (see the Blue Letter Bible/Don Stewart at:

The word el is also closely related to the Hebrew word Elohim.  The word Elohim appears 2570 times in the Torah. The Elohim are a very advanced group of souls who are builders on a mental level.  They are mentioned in the first verse of the Bible, where it says they created the world.


O is the vowel sound in the ancient dialect that corresponds to the fourthenergy center, which has to do with power and control. Saying the It denotes openness, helpfulness, and acceptance.

It n open sound, and is found in the word open, ovary, oestrogen (an older spelling), oh, and many other words in English.  Other related words in English are home and economics, originally a Greek word having to do with managing the home.


However, it goes beyond this.  The word ore in English is a mineral deposit and a source of riches.  An oracle is a wise person or source of information.  The word ocular refers to the eyes, and o is associated with seeing.  And ode is a beautiful poem or expression of some type.  Okay means all is well. 

In Spanish, o means or.  In other words, it denotes options and openness here, as well.  The word oro in Spanish means gold.

In Hebrew, one can look at the word or.  It means light, and specifically the light of God.  The word olam in Hebrew means everlasting, forever, or beyond the horizon.

The famous Sanskrit word om is the sound of a healthy heart center.  It is a sacred word in this language.


The letter V is the sixth letter in the ancient dialect (vov). It is another feminine letter. It has to do with the sixth energy center, which is concerned with learning, knowledge and wisdom.


In the word love, the letter E is silent. It is there only to help one pronounce the word correctly.  The E gives the word a longer O sound – meaning openness, oneness.


Taken together, the letters reveal:

L = announcing or indicating a movement toward or a building up of

O = openness, acceptance and helpfulness

V = mixed with learning, knowledge and wisdom. This is love!


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