(formerly called the Pushing Down Exercise. Before that, we called it the Roy Masters Observation-Meditation Exercise).
We now call it the pulling down procedure because creating a vacuum below your feet that draws in more ether is the secret of success with this essential procedure.
by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
To listen to a newer audio program about the pulling down procedure, click here.
There is also a much older audio program about the pulling down procedure on the internet. It is how I originally learned it. Click here for this program.
To download the above pulling exercise audio files to your computer:
Right-click on the link if you have a Windows computer. Use control-click if you have an Apple computer and cannot right click. Doing this will bring up a dialog box and one option is "Save link as". Choose this option and it will save the entire file to your desktop, or wherever you want it.
Make it the center of your life
Most powerful part of the development program
How It Heals And Develops The Body
Not part of Dr. Eck’s program
Not like other meditative procedures
Personal Experience
Body Position
The Exercise
Three Variants or Ways To Do The Exercise
The Rail Gun (new)
The Twists
The Tornado
The Robe
The Neck Pull
Toe Breathing
Emptying The Mind
For Women
Four Stages Of Pulling Down
The Hand Pull
Other Suggestions – open water, feet toward the equator, the meter, etc.
What To Do If The Energy Won’t Flow Down To Your Feet
The Three Problems – Distraction, Boredom and Disturbances
For Distractions
For Boredom
For Disturbances
Retracing And Healing Reactions
Other Suggestions For Success
Calming The Mind
Bringing In A New Energy
Etheric reset
Developing Power And Broadcasting
Is It Religious?
Reading About It Is Not Enough
The pull down procedure. This is a mental exercise in which one moves subtle energy through the body with the mind from the head toward the feet. It is an ancient spiritual practice.
Subtle energy. There exists an energy in the universe that is known by many names. It is a life energy that fills space.
A word used to describe it is the ether. Scientists such as Albert Einstein and many others discussed this topic. Ancient scientists also knew about it and called it by various names such as life energy, Qi, chi, vital force and others.
The energy channels. The ether moves through millions of extremely tiny parallel tubes or channels that run from the head to the feet. This aspect of anatomy is not well known in the Western world. However, in acupuncture and other older sciences, groups of these energy channels are called the meridians.
In everyone today, many of these channels are closed, blocked, twisted or not even developed. This is due mainly to subtle malnutrition of most people. It is also due to injuries to the body such as accidents, and physical and mental traumas.
Development and the development souls. In addition to moving subtle energy through the body, the pull down procedure brings into the body souls called development souls. They instruct the nuclear souls (souls that live in the nuclei of the cells) how to unwrap or uncoil a special part of the DNA called the non-coding or “junk” DNA.
The DNA. The DNA (desoxyribose nucleic acid) is a long chain of amino acids found in each cell of the body. It contains billions of chemicals arranged in a special order or code. It is set up like a giant cookbook with various sections. They contain the instructions for making all chemicals in the body.
“Junk DNA”. About 2.5% of the DNA has been decoded in the past 40 years. However, the other 97.5% has not been decoded because, in most everyone, it is tightly coiled and difficult to uncoil. It is known to some genetic scientists as the non-coding or “junk” DNA.
Development. Unwrapping and activating this part of the DNA causes a genetic upgrade of the body called development. This is a most amazing transformation of the body. As this DNA is uncoiled and used, one produces better chemicals that greatly improve the structure and functions of the body. One develops abilities, one feels much better, and one can live much longer.
The negs, thugs or rogues. In the past 3 years, we have become aware of the presence on earth of an alien group the some call the negs, thugs, crap or rogues. They are an invading force that is very secretive and very skilled and high-tech. The Bible calls them Satan.
Injury from this group is the main cause of malnutrition, poisoning, rape, beatings and much more trauma in everyone. They are important for this article because they don't want knowledge about the pull down procedure and the process of development to be widely known.
Healing. All living bodies are polarized. Subtle energy must move downward from the head to the feet in order to stay alive. Any method to assist the correct movement of subtle energy through the body will cause healing. For a more theoretical article, read Downward Moving Energy And Healing.
Development. Development, as the word is used on this website, is a truly amazing genetic upgrade in the body that heals it and extends its life.
If one moves enough subtle energy correctly through the body, and eats correctly and holds on to most of one's sexual fluid, one will develop. Otherwise, development does not occur to any significant degree.
Development is not taught much at this time, but it is real and the pulling down procedure is a key to rapid development. For details, read Introduction To Development.
The pulling down exercise is one of the most important parts of the development program. If you are wise, you will make it the central part of your life. By doing it daily for at least one hour or more, you can heal the body, the mind, the emotions and more.
Many clients skip the pulling down procedure or decide to do a different mental exercise instead. This is very foolish! Please do not skip this part of a development program.
Dr. Paul Eck, from whom I learned some basics of nutritional balancing and development science, did not include the pulling down exercise in his nutritional programs.
Around age 30, I learned a mental exercise similar to the pull down procedure. It was called the observation-meditation exercise and was taught by Mr. Roy Masters of Oregon, USA. He was a Judeo-Christian spiritual teacher with an educational background as a hypnotherapist.
He said that most everyone is slightly hypnotized and that this causes severe problems. The exercise he taught was a way to undo this light trance state, improve awareness and thus improve one's life.
Soon after learning about the procedure, I had a deep experience in which a bolt of energy shot through the body from the head to the feet. I felt better and realized that this was the correct practice. It was slightly different from the way Mr. Masters taught it
At first, I had a lot of trouble focusing the mind enough to do the procedure. I found I could do it more easily while walking very slowly. It was also easier to do while holding a coffee enema, which was part of a healing program I had begun at that time.
Only many years later did I learn that this procedure is the main meditative spiritual practice used by monks and others throughout the world to heal and extend the life of the body.
The pulling down exercise is unlike all other meditations such as Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana meditation, Mindfulness meditation, Zen meditation, Kundalini meditation and most others. A common mistake clients make is to substitute another mental exercise for the pulling down procedure. To read why you should avoid meditations, read Trance States.
Differences between pulling down and other mental exercises.
1. Pulling down is an intense and forceful practice, unlike relaxing mental exercises. Pulling down causes great relaxation later, but not at first, and not while you are doing it. It helps one relax because it brings up and resolves illnesses and deep traumas that keep one from relaxing. However, doing it is not relaxing. It is a more forceful procedure.
2. Some other mental exercises move energy in various directions, or not at all. When doing the pulling down exercise, one must only move energy straight down from the head to the feet.
3. Many mental exercises involve spoken words, prayers or mantras. The pulling down procedure involves no words.
4. The pulling down procedure is not associated with any Oriental religion.
5. The pulling down exercise is much safer because it is not self-hypnosis and it is profoundly grounding and centering.
You are learning to move subtle energy with your mind. With practice, you will feel the energy move from your head to your feet and beyond. This causes a slight tingling feeling that is pleasurable.
The subtle energy moves through thousands of tiny tubes or channels that run from the head to the feet. Many of these channels are blocked in most people. This causes ill health, aging and death.
As you do the exercise over and over thousands of time, you are opening and clearing more of the channels. This allows more life energy to flow through the body, restoring it and greatly increasing health and longevity. Key features of the procedure are:
- Effort. It requires a mental effort. It is truly a mental “workout”. It is not exactly relaxing or meditative. It causes relaxation later because it heals the body, but the exercise itself is not relaxing.
In fact, the procedure may bring up thoughts or feelings that are unpleasant, at times. That is okay. They will pass, no matter how disturbing they may seem. I call it going to the movies and I am the subject of the movie.
Doing it gently does very little. The harder or more forcefully one does it, the better! After a while, you build up your “mental muscle”, which feels very good.
- Active prayer. The pulling down procedure a form of active prayer. It is quite powerful.
Many people tell me they don't do the pulling down procedure because they pray a different way every day. However, when the guides check these people, they are often not healing as well as those who regularly do the pulling down procedure.
1. Sit comfortably with your back and neck straight. Uncross your legs
2. Move your attention to a point far below your body.
3. Turn around so that you are facing your body.
4. Imagine a tether connected inside your body around the level of your navel.
5. Pull down hard on the tether to move subtle energy from your head to below the body.
6. An alternative to the tether is to imagine a vacuum cleaner or a large, powerful magnet far below your body. Imagine it is pulling energy downward from your head to below the body.
7. To make it more powerful, imagine pulling down hard as you inhale. When you exhale, continue moving subtle energy downward. You can get a rhythm going that rapidly moves a lot of energy downward.
This is all there is to the exercise. Do not add words or other actions to it. Do the procedure as forcefully as you can.
You will know you are doing it right when it feels as though the skin on the bottom of your feet is being pulled downward or off the bottom of the feet.
To heal and develop quickly, do this procedure for two hours each day or more if you wish. Just keep doing it. It becomes easier with practice. Without it, development occurs very slowly.
It is normal for your attention to wander. When this occurs, don’t become upset. Just realize you have become distracted and bring your attention back to your feet and below, or beyond your feet if you are lying down.
The feeling is one of emptying the body. Many people feel that the entire body is being emptied through the feet.
The following is a more detailed description of how to do the pulling down procedure.
First do the basic spinal twists. Pop the toes, pop the knees, twist the hips and lock the arms above your head if you are lying down and move them to one side and then to the other side to loosen the spine. Then move your neck to the right and then to the left.
This aligns and loosens up the joints and tissues. It helps subtle energy flow through the joints.
The neck pull. This is a powerful maneuver that enhances the pulling down exercise. It moves energy downward much more forcefully. To learn about it, please read The Neck Pull on this website.
When. Morning is excellent because the body is rested and relaxed. During the day is also very good. Doing the exercise at bedtime usually won’t work as well because you may fall asleep. Sleep is the enemy of the pulling down exercise.
Some clients do the pulling down exercise at night to fall asleep. This is fine as a sleep inducer, but it doesn’t count as time doing the exercise if you only do it for ten minutes and then fall asleep.
If you awaken at night and cannot fall asleep, you can do it then. The more the better.
Where. You will need a quiet, safe and comfortable location to sit or lie down. A comfortable chair with a straight back is very good. Some people use a recliner chair. Many prefer to lie down on a bed or sofa.
How often. Do the exercise every single day. Try not to skip days. You may do it several times daily. More is better and you cannot overdo on this procedure.
For how long. Longer sessions are best, such as an hour at a time. However, any time spent doing the exercise is excellent.
When can I stop doing it? Make it a life-long spiritual practice that is part of your life path. As you develop, you can do the procedure for less time. However, its benefits continue to accumulate so most people choose to continue it.
Body positions. Sitting. You can sit against a wall or cushion, or on a straight-backed chair. Make sure it is comfortable. You need not cross your legs Indian-style. Having them just straight down in front of you is fine.
Lying down. Many people like doing the exercise in bed or on a soft carpet on the floor. Be sure you are comfortable. Do not use a pillow under your head. Many people like covering up with a sheet or blanket.
On your side. If you are combining the pulling down procedure with the down hugging procedure with another person, both people may be on their sides. For details, read Down Hugging
Walking and other ways. You may do the exercise while walking slowly. Have your eyes about half closed so you do not walk into objects. You could walk in a shopping mall for safety, or on a straight sidewalk, perhaps with a friend. It will not work to walk on rough ground.
Eyes. Close your eyes. Some do the exercise with eyes open, but it is easier with eyes closed. Eventually, you will be able to do it with eyes open.
Keep your eyes focused straight ahead. Do not roll your eyes up into your head, and do not strain in any way. Also, keep your shoulders down at all times. Do not let them ride upwards or twist.
Some people enjoy visualizing to help do the pulling down procedure. We will list many visualizations because certain ones work better for each person. Also, trying them all can help prevent boredom, a problem that can occur with the pulling down procedure.
Imagine there is a very large planet with very intense gravity close to the earth. Its gravity pulls on your feet, exerting a strong pull.
Imagine there is a spaceship not far from the earth. The ship has a tractor beam machine and it is pulling hard on your feet.
Focus your attention just below your feet. As you inhale, pull down hard from below your feet. Imagine you are opening a bellows, a device used to blow air on a fire. Opening the bellows sucks air into the bellows, which is below your feet.
As you exhale, close the bellows. This pushes the air further downward. Breathe in and out fast and you will move a lot of subtle energy downward forcefully.
A great secret of success with the pulling down exercise is to make the body as empty and “hollow” as possible. Empty everything out the bottom of your feet. It is important to do it this way. If possible, “feel” or imagine your tissues, organs, thoughts and everything else empty out of your body through the feet. This is to make room for the new you.
I find it helpful when starting the exercise each day, to say “Empty of self, empty of striving, I am one with God”.
Emptying the mind of thoughts is also very helpful. Do not wallow in thoughts or feelings that will arise while you are doing the exercise. Just observe them, and let them go. Watch them as one would watch a cloud in the sky pass by and disappear. It does not matter if they are amazing, horrible, scary, romantic, sexy or anything else.
It may also help to think (but do not say) “Thy Will be done”. It can help to let go of any and all thoughts that arise in the mind. Do not worry. You will not become stupid or forgetful by doing this. Quite the opposite occurs. You will not waste energy with idle thoughts.
Don’t keep repeating these phrases. Just say them when you begin.
These visualizations can help tremendously to have fun and to do the pulling down exercise better. There are many of them because each person may prefer a different one. Please try many of them to see which are easiest and most enjoyable for you.
First move your attention to below your feet. Then imagine a force pulling the skin of the bottom of your feet away from your head or downward if you are sitting. The more you do the procedure, the easier it will be to feel the pull through your whole body.
Imagine a rope or wire pulling on your head rather than pulling on your abdomen. If you are sitting, the rope pulls straight downward toward the center of the earth. If you are lying down, the rope pulls toward your feet and then out into space.
Because the rope is attached to your head, when you pull on it, it turns your entire body inside out, pulling the head, chest and abdomen toward the feet so that they end up with the head at your feet, or even below your feet.
Imagine you are sitting or lying in a very large tornado of subtle energy. It is moving downward, but also spinning to the right.
As you move energy downward from the head to the feet, imagine you are surrounded by a beautiful silk robe.
1. Pull the robe inwards around yourself, tightening it around your body. This is inward motion.
2. Spin the robe around yourself in a clockwise direction. Feel the silk brushing by your legs, your back, your chest, and your arms. This is a right spin.
3. Move the entire robe downward. This is down movement.
4. Relax and enjoy this feeling. This is a parasympathetic movement.
To read the reasons to use these movements, and not others, please read The 7 Principle And Development on this site.
A huge black hole is below your feet. This is an unusual structure in space. It has intense gravity and pulls everything inside of it. The internet has photos of these amazing structures.
A huge magnet is below your feet, pulling on you with great force.
Imagine pulling God or Jesus down from Heaven into your body. Imagine becoming “one with God” in this way. Say “I want more of God”. “I want more of God”. “I want more of God” as you pull Him down over you. If you prefer, imagine bringing in the High Self, the Oversoul, or the Real Self.
Imagine pulling or drawing Heaven all the way down to the earth. You are acting out the idea expressed in the Lord’s Prayer – “Thy Will be done on earth, as it is already done in Heaven”.
This I call active prayer. It is very powerful and I believe it is the correct way to pray.
An industrial strength vacuum is below each of your feet, sucking everything out of you and downward.
A wind tunnel is a device used to test aircraft design. It is an enormous fan and blows air from your head to your feet at over 500 miles per hour - and you are caught inside it.
Imagine that you are on a very large planet that has a lot of gravity. You literally feel pulled downward and your feet feel it the most.
This is a medieval torture device in which your head is held tight and ropes are attached to your feet and someone slowly turns a crank that pulls your legs away from your body.
For women, imagine someone is helping you put on a very tight evening gown. You put it on at your head and pull it down. Imagine it is extremely tight! As a result, it pulls every bit of you downward as it goes on.
Imagine you have worn a pair of tight boots all day and your feet have swollen inside them and you are having trouble getting them off. You get two friends to pull as hard as they can while you hold on to your bed.
You are having trouble taking off your tight jeans. You get two friends - one at each leg, to pull down as hard as they can to try to get them off.
Imagine you go sport fishing. You hook a marlin. This is a large, strong, fighting fish. Your feet get caught in the fishing line and you are pulled overboard by the marlin who is now swimming away.
Imagine there is a wire extending from your stomach downward, a little inside the front of the body. You pull on it to move the energy downward.
Imagine a donut or torus or automobile tire around your feet as you are sitting or lying down doing the pulling down exercise.
The donut is rotating fast, but not to the right or to the left. It is rotating such that the inside of the donut is moving downward, or away from your head, all the way around the donut. Meanwhile, the outside of the donut or tire – all around the donut - is moving upward, or toward your head.
If you do this correctly, it will feel good and help pull energy downward from your head to your feet. To view a diagram of the donut or tire, click here.
With each of the above images, imagine a violent pulling force that does the following:
Your head. Imagine that your ears are being sucked downward and are becoming elongated, as if you habitually wear huge, heavy earrings. Perhaps visualize your ears being ripped off completely.
Your nose is being sucked downward so you have a big hooked nose that almost touches your lips or even your chin.
Your lips are being sucked downward. The energy may even pull the teeth out of your mouth and pull your eyeballs out of their sockets downward so they are just hanging by a thread, or they completely fall out.
Neck and back. Imagine that your neck is getting long and skinny as the force pulls your body away from your head. As a result, you look like a bugs bunny cartoon character.
Also, imagine the sucking force pulling apart each one of your vertebrae, starting with the top of the neck and moving down to your buttocks. You start to feel at least a foot taller.
Arms. Your arms and legs are also getting longer and skinnier so you are looking like Olive Oyl in the Popeye The Sailor television series. Your elbows, wrists, fingers and fingernails are being pulled downward by the sucking force.
Chest and abdomen. Women and men, imagine your chest and breasts are being pulled downward by the force. They are practically down to your waist. Women, if you are wearing makeup, it pulls your eye shadow down your face, so it looks terrible. If you are wearing a dress, it is pulling it downward so the over-the-shoulder straps are cutting into your shoulders.
Men, the black hole is pulling your testicles downward. It also pulls down everyone’s pants and underpants, and pulls off your rings and other jewelry.
Legs. Now imagine your hips, knees, legs, ankles, toes and toenails are being sucked downward by the force.
Organs and traumas. The black hole also pulls down all of your internal organs, and especially sucks out toxic metals, toxic chemicals, diseases and traumas from every part of the body.
For extra thrills. Imagine every single hair on your body is being sucked straight downward by the force. Women, if you have given birth, imagine a force that pulls the baby out without your having to do anything.
Imagine a long, wide tube made of metal or plastic, perhaps, that stretches from your head all the way to your feet. As you pull energy downward, imagine it streaming down the tube from your head to your feet and out the end of the tube.
A rail gun is a modern weapon consisting of a tube or barrel and a set of about a dozen circular electromagnets around the tube. They look like rings along the length of the tube. A small computer turns on the first electromagnet, then the second, then the third, and so on.
This propels an iron bullet or other iron projectile down the barrel and out the gun. The magnetic pulses are timed so that each one pulls the bullet along faster and faster as it moves down the barrel of the gun. It is simple, but very powerful.
The visualization is to imagine a set of ring-shaped electromagnets one on top of the next, below your feet. They can be small – two inches in diameter, and they form a tube or column below your feet.
You turn on the rail gun. The first magnet that activates is about two feet below your feet. Then the next one activates. It is a little further below the feet. Then the next one activates. It is even little further below your feet.
Each magnet accelerates ether or subtle energy more and more, creating a powerful downward pull. Visualize having at least a dozen of the ring-shaped magnets. When you finish activating the magnets, you start over activating the one nearest your feet first.
Variants. #1 – whole body. If you wish, you can visualize having the magnets inside your entire body, not just below your feet. Have a “tube” of them that runs from the top of your head through the center of your body to the feet. The tube-shaped configuration must extend to below your feet.
#2 – black holes. Instead of magnets, you can visualize a set of small black holes arranged parallel to each other under your feet. These are special ring-shaped anomalies in space that powerfully attract everything to themselves. The internet has photos of these amazing structures.
For the visualization to work, you need to understand the power of a rail gun. It is much more powerful than a black powder hand gun or rifle. I welcome your feedback about this visualization.
This is more an observation than a method of visualization. I notice as I do the pulling down procedure more and more, I stand up straighter for the same reason that a tall tree stands up: moving subtle energy downward causes a reaction in which subtle energy moves back upward. I can now feel this and it tends to straighten up the body.
Some people know that at a drive-in bank often there is a plastic tube in which to place your money for a deposit. You close the tube and put it into a larger tube and push a button. Then the smaller tube is sucked over to the bank office.
It may seem silly, but you can imagine that you are inside a large version of this bank tube. Someone pushes the button and you are sucked, feet first, over to the main bank office which is far away. You feel it as a powerful vacuum feeling pulling the skin on the bottom of your feet. The main branch of the bank may be in a different nation, so it is quite a ride!
Many donuts. Imagine not one, but many donuts or car tires moving down your body, from your head to your feet. As they do, they squeeze the body tightly and force subtle energy to move downward ahead of each donut or tire.
Sex with God. This imagery is sexy and may be scary for some people, so don’t read it if you do not wish to. It is included because it is helpful for some women to speed recovery from a rape trauma.
The idea is that the pulling down exercise acts as a counter-trauma, meaning it has just the opposite effects of a physical rape.
Visualize a large hole in the top of your head. God enters you there. He “invades” you and violates the boundaries of your body. It is a little scary.
However, at a deep level you know it is God, and not any evil force. You also know, at some level, that you need to be invaded and “ravaged” by the Almighty and born again.
The experience is intense! You may feel invaded and hit from above. To gain the most benefit from this visualization, do the pulling down exercise lying on your back in bed under a sheet without wearing any clothing.
The experience shakes you to your core. The exercise turns on the light inside you. (If you do it right, you may also have a few down orgasms, called Jolts on this website).
The body may vibrate a little. It stirs up everything that is not of God and sends it all packing. It cleans you up at deep levels and “He restores your soul”, as the 23rd Psalm of David says.
Other effects are that you become “pregnant” with God’s ideas and wisdom. Each time you do the exercise properly, the pregnancy becomes greater.
You also get “infections” from being ravaged by God. God “infects” you with hope, faith, love and healing. They are impossible to cure, so you are stuck with them. Now your ego is really in trouble!
The experience is pleasurable as subtle energy flows through your first and second energy centers. However, the goal is not instant pleasure, but rather healing and conversion.
You are never out of control. God does not work this way. However, you are voluntarily letting Him be in charge. As you do this, your life will change. It gets harder and harder to ever go back to the old, sick, egotistical self you were.
You feel slain by the Spirit.
When you come back to the physical world the memory of the Kingdom of God remains, a happy world you can enter at will. In time, and with practice, you bring more and more of this happy world into the physical world.
Magnetizing an iron rod. Think of magnetizing a metal rod. Imagine stroking a piece of iron (the body) with a magnet, moving it only downward, in order to magnetize the metal bar.
Lying down in a fast-moving river. Imagine you are lying in a very shallow, but fast-moving river with your head facing upstream and your feet propped up against a big rock that sticks out of the water.
Water rushes from your head down to your feet all around you with great force. You feel you would be washed away if the rock did not hold your feet.
Also imagine you have a big hole in the top of your head and holes in the bottoms of your feet. The water enters your head and rushes down your body on the inside, as well as all around you.
Sitting under a huge waterfall, or a powerful shower. Imagine sitting under the most powerful waterfall or shower you can imagine. Water crashes down all around you, and moves from your head to your feet with great force.
Also, imagine you have a large hole in the top of your head and holes in the bottoms of your feet, so that water moves into your body, as well, and down and out your feet. It cleanses you, and empties you of old traumas and toxins.
The bathtub. Imagine you are a human-shaped bathtub full of water. Now open large drain holes in your feet, your hands and one in the perineum area (between the legs). Imagine energy (the water) pouring out these holes downward (toward your feet).
The cookie cutter. Imagine a giant cookie cutter moving over the body, from head to feet, reshaping you in the Image of God.
The Sculptor’s chisel. Imagine you are a block of uncut stone and the Divine Sculptor chisels and drills into you from above. Even though there is pain, it slowly turns you into His beautiful sculpture.
Delivering the baby. Imagine you must push hard downward to move a baby out of your body. Both men and women can do this visualization.
The weights. Imagine weights on your hands and your feet, and maybe one hanging between your legs, too. They are forcefully pulling you downward toward your feet as you walk or sit.
Done in a certain way, the use of rosary beads in the Catholic faith or the use of tefillin in the Hebrew faith can move subtle energy downward from the head down the body into the arm and then into the hand.
I am told that Mr. Roy Masters used the tefillin procedure as the basis for his meditation-observation procedure. This author used this method for years to begin the process of development.
The prayers. A question that arises is whether saying the prayers that go with the use of the rosary and the tefillin is important. The answer is that the most important is the movement of subtle energy, not words of any kind.
Words and prayers can help move a person to a high or spiritual level, but of themselves they are a 6 level or mental level of healing. The movement of subtle energy downward is purely 7 or a spiritual level or higher. Other possible problems with saying words are they easily become mechanical and they can distract your attention.
For more details about the rosary, visit The Rosary Center. For more details about teillin, visit Tefillin.
Relation to the rest of the development program. As an aside, many of the healing procedures of the development program assist with moving subtle energy through the body:
- The Pops, pulls, twists and kicks help move ether through the joints by opening and aligning the joints. Good quality chiropractic care is helpful for the same reason.
- The Neck pull moves ether through the neck.
- Reflexology helps move ether through some of the energy channels.
- Coffee enemas, Red Heat Lamp Therapy and the Genital Bath help move subtle energy downward.
- Loving thoughts and positive emotions move subtle energy downward. In contrast, fear, anger and up-set move subtle energy incorrectly.
The pull down procedure is a purely mental way to do the same thing.
Practicing the pulling down exercise with others is an example of Empathic Healing. It can make it more powerful, easier and more enjoyable. Methods to do this are:
Close by. Two people can sit or lie down next to each other and pull down at the same time. It works best if both or all the participants sit or lie down facing in the same direction.
The effort of each will be felt, to a degree, by the other, and this will make it easier for both or all the people to move energy downward.
Visualizing others. When you pull down, you can imagine sitting or lying next to others who are also doing the procedure. This can make the procedure more powerful.
Down sex, down hugs, down kissing. These will all assist development. Down sex and down hugging are very powerful and the only type of sex recommended on this website. For details, read Down Sex and Down Kissing.
Assisted pulling. One person lies down on a massage table or bed on their back. A second person acts as an assistant or helper. The second person can help in any of several ways:
1. Place both hands on the top of the first person’s head or near it. Then visualize moving or pushing energy down the other person’s body from the head to the feet.
2. Place one hand on each foot of the first person. Visualize pulling energy downward from the other’s head all the way down to the feet.
3. The helper can stand or sit on one side of the one pulling down. Visualize energy moving from the person’s head to their feet. At the same time, pull down on parts of the body to help the person feel the feeling of the energy moving downward.
For instance, one can pull the ears or shoulders downward toward the feet. One can pull the lips, the chin, the fingers, the hands or the feet downward toward the end of the bed or table. This method is extremely helpful to assist someone who is new to the exercise and needs to feel the feeling of the energy moving from the head to the feet.
The hand trance. One person lies down comfortably on a massage table, sofa or bed and does the pulling down exercise. The assistant stands or sits at the other person’s side.
The assistant now places his or her hands just above the other person’s body and moves his or her hands in one direction only close to the other person’s body, from their head to their feet. Do not touch the other person’s body.
The assistant is moving his or her hands through the other person’s energy field or aura. The one pulling down will feel this as an energy moving from head to feet.
The aura actually has a number of layers. Some suggest beginning with the hands about two feet above the other person’s body. Move the hands from the head to their feet at this height above the body.
After a few minutes, move the hands a little closer to the other’s body and repeat the movements. Continue moving the hands closer to the person’s body until they are just a few inches above the body.
If you are in a group, several people can act as helpers at one time for an enhanced effect. For details, read The Hand Trance.
Gently touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This may make doing the exercise easier.
Try the exercise unclothed. Doing the exercise with no clothing on seems to make the exercise easier. Perhaps it is a symbol of letting everything go, emptying the mind and body, and exposing all of yourself to God. It is fine to be under the covers in bed.
Turn your bed or chair so that your feet face the equator of the earth. For example, in the Northern hemisphere, your head needs to face to the North and your feet to the South. If you live in the Southern hemisphere, your head needs to face the South and feet to the North.
This will assist the pulling down exercise because there is a natural flow of etheric energy from the poles to the equator of the earth. It is excellent to sleep with the bed facing this way, even if it is not exactly north-south.
The Meter. A helpful addition to the procedure is to obtain a sensitive milliammeter. With it you can measure how hard you are pulling down. For details, read The Meter.
Sit very close to a large tree. Ideally, have your back to the tree. If done right, this will make the pulling exercise easier. The reason is that some tree species have a powerful downward moving energy force around them.
Excellent trees for this purpose are oak trees and banyan trees, but others will work, as well. According to the legend, Gautama Buddha reached “enlightenment” (meaning he developed himself to a high degree) using this method.
Sit in a down vortex. Some people can feel where there is a natural downward-moving energy vortex on earth. There are many such places. At times, they are called “power places”. Native people often knew where they were and would spend time sitting in these spots or areas.
If you can feel such a spot on the earth, you can sit over it and take advantage of the naturally downward-moving energy to enhance your pulling exercise.
Be careful, however, because some energy vortices are not healthy to be around. If you do not feel well, stop using that spot. Some of these natural energy vortices do not have healthy energy.
1. Always place your attention at or below your feet. Never put your attention on your head or you will get a headache. Keep your attention as far below your feet as possible.
2. Push downward only, and never in any other directions. Only move subtle energy straight from the head to the feet, and then beyond the feet in a straight line. Do not move it in any other direction, such as up your back or around your liver. For instance, do not visualize energy flowing in a circle from the head down the front of the body and up the back. Just visualize energy moving downward. This is the safest and best way to do the exercise. Never move energy sideways, or at an angle. This is dangerous. Some clients ask if they may move the energy into their liver, shoulder, fingers, or somewhere else.
The answer is yes, but only if it moves straight down from the head.
3. A headache or tension in the body. If this occurs, it is because your attention is not far below your feet if you are standing or sitting. Or, if you are lying down, your attention is not far beyond your feet out in space.
4. Avoid other mental procedures. No other mental exercise, meditation, visualization, self-hypnosis, mindfulness, prayer, or practice will work as well for development as this procedure. Therefore, don’t waste time and energy on other mental exercises.
5. Schedule the pulling down exercise. Do not try to fit it into your day without scheduling it. It is too easy to forget it.
6. Do not speak commands or affirmations. Some clients want to speak certain words, prayers or affirmations while doing the pulling down exercise. Do not do this. It tends to weaken the exercise a little.
Do not say “I command the energy to go downward”, for example. Instead, silently visualize energy moving from your head toward your feet and down to 30 inches or 75 centimeters below your feet.
7. Ignore phenomena that may occur. You may hear sounds, or see a light, at times. Occasionally, there may be a tingling or other sensation.
These can be retracing or other types of healing. However, ignore the sensations! They are not important or even significant. Moving the energy downward is what matters.
8. If you fall asleep, do not get upset. Just continue when you wake up. You must have needed the sleep.
9. Move energy downward forcefully, but don’t force any changes or results.
What do to if the energy won’t flow down to your feet. Everyone has areas where the energy won’t flow. Common ones are the neck, the chest, the abdomen and the hips. Here is what to do:
1. Breathe very deeply into the stuck area you do the exercise. This will help open it up. Use the three-part yoga breath.
2. Rub the reflex are of both feet that corresponds to the stuck area. Consult a foot map to find the reflex area.
For example, if the energy won’t flow through your chest, then press and rub the reflex area of the feet corresponding to the chest. Rub it firmly several times every day. Any stuck area will be tender when rubbed.
3. Use a red heat lamp on the stuck area every day.
4. Do the Spinal Twist Exercises at least twice every daily. These will help loosen up any stuck area.
5. Continue using the pulling down exercise. Eventually, the energy will move through.
Three enemies of a successful pulling down exercise are distraction, boredom and disturbance.
Distractions are common. One must shut them out or ignore them to be successful. Realize that doing the pulling down procedure is an excellent use of your time. It will change your entire life for the better. Most distractions just waste your time and energy.
Distractions hopefully lose their appeal after a while, but at first they can be daunting! Distractions include spending a lot of time with friends, hiking in the woods, working or hobbies, shopping, surfing the web, texting, and talking on the phone. Others are driving around, vacationing, sitting in restaurants and theaters, and attending sports events and concerts. Still others are daydreaming, too much sex, parties, tinkering, polishing cars and excessive cleaning or other excessive attention to one’s home or appearance.
Note that one can do the pulling down procedure while on an airplane, on vacation and in cars if one is not driving. With practice, one can do it while driving a car, as well.
Boredom will occur, at times. You must just push through it. Keep reminding yourself that this is the most important part of the development program, and it is worth the time and effort.
Boredom often stems from a desire to “have it all” quickly. However, this is not the way development works, especially at first.
Some people notice they feel better quickly when they begin the pulling down procedure. However, in other people development begins slowly for most people. It picks up speed as you advance on the path of development. This becomes more exciting and acts as a motivator later, but not at first.
Disturbance means that something arises during or accompanying the pulling down exercise that is upsetting, scary, annoying or otherwise unpleasant. Common ones are crying, sadness, depression, anxiety, pain, odd sensations in the body, and unpleasant memories. Rarely, other phenomena arise, such as hearing things, seeing lights, or something else.
These are really forms of distractions, but they come from within. They cause some people to stop doing the procedure. However, in all cases if one just persists, the disturbance will pass. Here are more suggestions for these common problems.
1. Do the exercise while doing a Coffee Enema or a Vaginal Coffee Implant. These excellent development procedures force one to lie still for 20 to 30 minutes, and they help move energy down the body.
2. Try the visualizations in the section above this one. They can be fun and help keep things interesting.
3. Pick a time and do the exercise at the same time each day, in the same location. This helps some people with distractions.
4. Arrange things right. Turn off the phone and, if needed, arrange for someone to watch your children when you schedule your exercise.
5. If you work outside your home, perhaps go to the office early or stay late if you cannot do the pulling down exercise at home. However, if possible, find a quiet, secluded spot in your home to do it.
6. On difficult days, think of your brain as an unruly child who has been spoiled for 20 years or more. On some days, the child will resist more. Just think, “OK, we’ll do our best and we will do better tomorrow.”
The exercise involves discipline, which comes from the same root as the word ‘disciple’. It is not about forcing things. It is about gently staying with this path as a disciple of this method, and the results will come.
7. Listen to a recording of the exercise. This can help to maintain your focus and to time your sessions.
8. If you cannot sit still, do the exercise while walking slowly, or while lying down.
9. Do the exercise in a place where you are confined to a chair, such as during an airplane flight or at a pleasant concert.
10. Do the exercise in a bathroom stall if that is the only peaceful place you can find.
11. Do the exercise with your family at the dinner table before dinner. Doing the exercise in a class or with others can help avoid certain distractions.
You may notice results within a few days or weeks, but many people do not notice results, at times. They become discouraged, or they think they are doing the exercise incorrectly.
Usually, neither is true. The exercise is working, and they are doing it right. This problem occurs most often during the first year or two of doing the exercise.
At times, changes caused by the exercise are not apparent. Just stay with it! If you are very unsure about it, you may send me an email and perhaps I can help.
Do not become discouraged if it seems like nothing is occurring. For example, it could take a crisis for you to realize you are calmer, more centered and detached, and healthier mentally and emotionally.
The exercise will yield insights about yourself and others. However, they may not come to you while doing the exercise. They may come while you are doing the dishes, or driving in your car.
Each time you do the exercise, it slightly alters the way you perceive the world. You will see things slightly differently. Some of what you see may not be pleasant. At times, anxiety, fear, anger, depression or other feelings can surface.
Do your best to stay with the feelings, rather than run from them, or discontinue the exercise. Do your best to watch it all from a neutral place, like watching a movie.
Be grateful for seeing the truth, even if it is unpleasant. Recall the phrase from the Bible: “Know the truth and the truth will set you free”.
You do not have to react in any way. Definitely do not judge yourself or others. If you wallow in your negative thoughts or insights, it will keep them around.
View all thoughts, emotions and insights as you would view clouds in the sky. As they arise, just observe them and let them go. Let them just float through your mind like a cloud floats through the sky. This is a wonderful analogy.
They will eventually pass. And be sure to forgive everyone. For details about this important practice, read Forgiving on this website.
Random thoughts will arise, at times, and at times songs will float through your mind. Memories may surface, or you may begin to think about what to do later in the day. Your body may itch or hurt, or you may fall asleep. For these occurrences:
1. Observe the disturbances without judgment. These include any thoughts, feelings, or memories. Just observe them, like watching clouds in the sky. Do not indulge them, worry about them, or in any way hold on to them. Just observe them, notice you are distracted, and then bring your attention back to the procedure. This is usually a better approach than trying to “shut them down”.
You will need to just observe thoughts thousands of times. Slowly, your mind will learn not to stray as much. You are training part of your mind to observe at all times. This is a very important benefit of the procedure that takes some years to do, but tremendously improves mental functioning!
The process is very similar to training a dog or training an unruly child. Some days will be easier than others. If you have a bad day, don’t fret. Just say to yourself, “We will do better tomorrow.”
Physical healing reactions. As the physical body heals due to the effects of the pulling down exercise, you may experience temporary symptoms. These are called healing reactions or purification reactions.
Examples may include a headache, another ache or pain, an upset stomach, gurgling in the abdomen (an excellent sign), a skin rash, a cold, or something else.
Mental and emotional healing reactions. Temporary healing symptoms may also include any possible feelings such as anger, fear, anxiety, resentment or others. Memories may also surface.
In all cases, these are feelings and thoughts that were suppressed or forgotten, often many years ago. They need to be exposed so they can be acknowledged, processed and released. Continuing with the pulling exercise will usually accomplish this very important aspect of physical and mental healing without any need for counseling or any other interventions.
These purification symptoms are very positive, even if a symptom is unpleasant, annoying, or scary. They will pass.
If a symptom is very intense. In this instance, experiment to see if doing the pulling exercise more makes it go away. In some cases, doing it for less time will make the symptom milder, although it will usually delay complete healing, to some degree.
Another very helpful idea is to follow a complete development program, including the procedures. These can also assist you to get through all types of healing reactions faster and with less annoyance.
If retracing reactions continue to be a problem, I may be able to assist you. For example, you may be overlooking a development procedure or an aspect of your lifestyle that needs attention.
To allow and facilitate mental, emotional and sometimes physical healing, everyone must let go of grudges, judgments and resentments against everyone!. This is critical.
If you do not do this, the issue, situation or trauma will keep coming up during your pulling exercise. When this happens, many people stop doing the exercise because it is unpleasant.
The only solution that I have found is to forgive everyone, including yourself, for everything that has ever happened to you. This may sound extreme. However, it is absolutely needed in order for complete healing to occur in the brain and the body.
Forgiving does not mean forgetting, condoning, or that you must remain in touch with someone who harmed you. However, forgiveness is absolutely essential for success with this exercise.
This is a large and important topic related to the pulling exercise. It is one of the most important problems, if not the most critical one, that arises when a person follows a development program or just begins to do the pulling down exercise. For more on this topic, please read Forgiving and Forgiving Parents on this website.
Speaking with a counselor. Rarely, it is wise to talk about your insights with a counselor or a trusted friend. However, this is rarely needed, nor is it always helpful. The goal is let go of the past, and move on in your life.
Talking about it for hours of weeks often sustains the trauma, which is not desirable. There is no need to justify, confirm, or rationalize anything that you did, or that someone else did. It is better to let it all go.
1. Do the exercise as much as you can. There is no overdoing it! If at all possible, do it for at least two hours daily or more.
Once you develop to Large Stage 2 you will not need to do the procedure for more than 20 minutes or so daily in order to continue developing. However, continuing to do the pulling down exercise more will develop you much faster. By the time one develops to Large Stage 2, most people understand the benefits of the procedure and are happy to do it for at least one hour daily.
2. Each time you do the exercise, do it as though it were the first time. Do not let it become just a mechanical habit. You must do it a little deeper and harder each time.
3. Make it a central and vital part of your lifestyle. Schedule it into your day so you don’t overlook this important new part of your life.
4. Be patient and persistent. Benefits come in their own time, not when you think they should.
Just keep at it. It may not be easy, at first. The reactive mind or ‘monkey mind’, as some call it, will fight you hard at times to stay in control, and to keep you out of control. This is what you must overcome, so just stay with it.
Most people live on ‘autopilot’ most of the day. Changing this takes some patience and persistence.
5. Be open to seeing the truth about everything. Repeatedly tell yourself that you want to know the truth about everything and everyone. Otherwise, you may stop doing the exercise when certain truths are revealed to you.
This is very important! Many people want to develop, but they don’t want to know the truth about themselves, their family, their friends, their lifestyle or perhaps other aspects of life. You may have to change your friends, your lifestyle or perhaps even your religion or your politics.
If you resist seeing the truth, your progress will slow and some people stop the procedure. This is a shame, so be open to learning the truth about all things.
Be open to waking up and seeing yourself as you really are.
If you do this, you will see your faults and shortcomings.
However, you will also become aware of beautiful and amazing
qualities of character and abilities that you did not know you
to know yourself with this exercise is a very positive and happy
experience, even with its moments of disillusionment and even
disgust, perhaps. It is all part of the process as you
become free of your past and all the false notions that you learned
from your parents, teachers, and friends.
7. Never complicate the exercise. This will be tempting, at times. This is most important.
It can take the form of trying to do the exercise perfectly every time, obsessing over details, and worrying constantly that you are not doing it correctly. This is a form of distraction or disturbance.
Among the primary effects of the pulling down exercise are:
1. Development. This is a genetic concept that is real and available to everyone. Human beings can use the pulling down exercise to increase the size of their subtle Energy Fields or ‘energy bodies’, open and grow the seven Physical Energy Centers, grow the Merkaba and the Plumes, and much more.
These literally transform a person from a purely physical being into a spiritual master. It is truly fantastic and it is your birthright. For details, read Introduction To Development and the other articles on this subject on this website.
2. Bringing into the body much more etheric energy. This energy is called new etheric energy. It heals and eventually transforms the body and mind in very unusual ways. This is different from all other meditative exercises that we have seen.
This energy is itself unseen for the most part, but is the basic ‘stuff’ or ‘ether’ out of which all created matter is built. In other cultures and traditions, it is known as vital force, life energy, prana, chi, qi, or perhaps zero-point energy.
The more of this energy that we take in and pass through our bodies, the better we feel. Also, by absorbing more of it, one develops certain brain centers that otherwise remain dormant. Awakening them causes a person to develop new abilities and talents, such as enhanced perception and others. For more about this topic, read Etheric Energy on this site.
3. Etheric reset. This is a fascinating idea that there is a blueprint or plan for the body that becomes distorted with age and disease. Moving more etheric energy through the body helps restore the original etheric blueprint for the body. To learn about this, please read Etheric Reset on this website.
4. Developing power and broadcasting. A critical benefit of this mental exercise, and not others, is that it automatically develops what is called Power on this website. This is the ability to move energy in a downward direction forcefully.
As this occurs, the person automatically begins to broadcast subtle energy everywhere he or she goes. This ability is somewhat subtle, but very important for the safety of the planet at this time. For more on this topic, please read Broadcasting on this website.
5. Increasing the ability to love at the deepest level. This may sound unusual. However, to love other properly requires that one be somewhat developed. Otherwise, personal factors such as a person’s appearance, voice, mannerisms and other factors will influence the way you view the person.
Also, broadcasting energy to others is the highest form of love. Those who are not developed will not agree with this. However, if they develop, they will eventually learn that radiating pure love energy is the best way to love and heal the entire world.
6. Increasing the control of the mind over the body. This is essential for mental stability and personality development. Many people never gain mental control over their bodily urges and desires. This exercise helps greatly to do this.
7. Increasing your control over your mind. Most people realize, if you do the exercise faithfully, that your mind is not really in your control. In most people, the mind wanders, races, becomes easily distracted, and may roam around like a wild beast, lurching in one direction and then in another.
Doing the exercise hundreds of times slowly brings the mind under your control, like training an unruly animal or a spoiled child.
8. Gaining the ability to tune in and receive helpful guidance from souls and other beings that are around oneself. This is a wonderful benefit. It usually requires at least 15-20 years or more of doing the pulling down procedure. It also usually requires a complete development program. Even then, guidance is tricky, so be careful. For details, read Guidance.
9. Channel therapy. All living beings are composed of millions of tiny channels that run vertically from the head to the feet. Subtle energy, sometimes called ether, flows through these channels. The more ether that flows through the channels, the more life that is in the body. The natural direction of this flow is from the head to the feet. The pulling down exercise is a powerful way to encourage and enhance this natural flow of life energy.
10. Spinning the energy centers. The pulling down exercise enhances, balances and corrects the spin of the seven major physical energy centers of the body. It increases the rate of speed of spin, corrects the direction of spin, and aligns and straightens out the centers, as well.
Is it religious? Technically, it is not a religious ritual. It requires no religious training or church membership or affiliation.
However, some people in all religions unconsciously do the procedure, in our experience. We call it power prayer.
For example, in the Christian religion, one recites the Lord’s Prayer. It states that “Thy will be done on earth, as it is already done in Heaven”. This exercise, and this one only, puts this prayer into action as you bring a subtle healing and beautiful energy straight down from your head down into and beyond you feet. You are literally bringing heaven to earth.
Reading about it is not enough. Just reading this article about the pulling exercise will not help your health or anything else. One must do it daily.
It is normal to be skeptical about anything new. The author felt this way at first. Adversity eventually caused him to start doing it, and he’s most grateful for this.
This is an action procedure that is ‘mechanical’. This means that if you do it, you will get results.
The effects of the exercise are many, and they occur on many levels. They include:
1. Helps to decongest the organs.
2. Improves blood and lymph circulation.
3. Inhibits the sympathetic nervous system. This is a wonderful benefit.
4. A result of #3 is to rest the adrenal and thyroid glands and assist the activity of the immune, digestive and elimination systems of the body.
5. Breathing automatically slows and deepens. This brings more oxygen to the body cells. More oxygen in the body greatly assists metabolism, and can bring healing all by itself.
6. Spontaneous healing of most illness in the body. This is due to all the effects discussed above.
7. Much better overall health and a much longer lifespan of the body.
Much change occurs with this exercise on mental and emotional levels. Below are some of the most important mental and emotional health benefits:
1. Less projection. This is essential for development. Projection means throwing out or rejecting certain thoughts and feelings that one believes are unpleasant, hateful, or uncomfortable.
Projection causes many problems for a person because it is not a real solution to one’s problems or issues. It is an egotistical solution, not a deep solution.
The pulling exercise tends to show a person where he or she is projecting. This is not always pleasant. Projected thoughts or feelings are brought back to consciousness. You will feel them as anger, hatred, or something else.
This is not pleasant, but it stops projection. This is quite remarkable, and very different from most other mental exercises.
2. Incomplete thought processes will be completed as the mind stops racing out of control. Most people do not realize that they are so busy with their momentary activities that they do not complete their thoughts, and many projects at home or at work. When you push, many thought processes will complete on their own. This not only relaxes the mind and the emotions. Often, this also brings with it surprising insights and creative ideas for you.
3. Old mental and emotional traumas come up for processing, after which they disappear. This is related to projecting, discussed in paragraph #1 above.
Traumas are always incidents or situations that one projects, often because they are too painful to keep in one’s consciousness. One might also project an incident because it is too shame-producing, causes too much anger and hatred, or for some other reason.
The exercise will tend to bring these incidents up into consciousness so that they can be processed and released. This is again quite an amazing process. No psychotherapy or counseling are needed. Counseling is okay if you need someone to talk with about the incident, but it is not necessary for the trauma retracing process.
The release of traumas reduces stress dramatically and improves physical, emotional and mental functioning.
How to handle the feelings. Just calmly observe whatever comes up. Try to stay out of judgment, anger about the memory or incident, or any other responses. The feelings will pass when processing is complete.
4. Bringing one into the present, and keeping one in the present moment. This is very important. Fear and anxiety are in the future. Guilt and remorse are in the past. All wisdom and all healing are in the present. You will understand this much better as you push down daily.
Most people spend most of their time either in the past or in the future. That is, they are either anxious and fearful, or feeling guilty, ashamed or remorseful. Moving into the present ends all of these feelings. It can feel like a huge burden has been lifted.
At first, the peace of the present does not last. Soon after stopping your daily practice of the exercise the feelings return. However, after a while, the feeling of calm and freedom from negative emotions stays with you all day.
5. The exercise is extremely grounding and centering. This is not true of many meditations. Grounding, which is the subject of an article on this website, is most important for healing for many people today.
6. Doing the pulling exercise is a type of mental “checkup”. Often, when you begin your daily practice, you will automatically review your day, and become aware of phone calls or other business that needs to be handled. This reduces stress a lot. It is one of the best benefits of the exercise.
Deprogramming, rather than reprogramming. The exercise
deprograms the mind and even the body in many ways by upsetting and
breaking up old tensions. That is, it slowly undoes your past
traumas and issues.
In contrast, affirmations, most visualization and concentration
exercises only reprogram the mind. This is a vital difference
between this meditation and almost all others that I have seen.
Vs. Removal. This subject could fill an entire book.
Some other mental practices tend to dull or calm the mind. This
is one way to reduce problems, fears, an other unwanted thoughts.
However, one is just hiding them and burying them deeper.
pulling down exercise does the opposite. It brings up
painful ideas, thoughts and emotions for review and processing in a
non-threatening way. This leads to their complete release, and
not burying them deeper.
This process of deprogramming and clearing takes a number of years,
but is well worth the effort. Each level of traumas,
hidden emotions and thoughts that you progress through clears more
negative thought patterns. Little by little, you will be free
and will function much better. This is the same thing as what
Christians call “conversion” or moving with the Lord or with
Deprogramming and Healing. Freeing negative energetic
patterns also greatly opens the body for every kind of healing.
The energy centers. The pulling down exercise greatly helps open the 7 physical energy centers of the body. This means to make them grow larger.
It also helps a lot to cleanse them, correct their color, align them and balance them all properly so they work together in harmony. It also helps to enable them to all spin in the right direction. For more on these centers, read The Energy Centers on this site.
The subtle energy fields. The exercise also helps greatly with the development of what are called the subtle bodies or subtle human energy fields. This is very important for development, as defined on this website. For more on development, read Introduction To Development and other articles on this topic on this site.
The dantiens. The exercise spins the dantiens correctly and balances them so they work together. For more on this topic, read The Dantiens.
The merkabah. The exercise also permits the development of the merkabah. This is a Hebrew word that means a vehicle. This is very important for development and for a long, healthy life. For more on this subject, read The Merkabah on this site.
Moving ether. The exercise moves ether into the body through the head quite forcefully. This is very beneficial for health and for development. Ether is the most subtle form of energy in the universe. For more about it, read Etheric Energy on this website.
Grounding. This is one’s connection with the earth. It is very helpful for overall health, and to make better decisions, as well.
Broadcasting. This is radiating energy out to the other people, and eventually for longer distances, as well. For more on this topic, please read Broadcasting on this website.
Directionality. The pulling down exercise moves subtle energy correctly - from the cortex area of the brain (the new brain) downward into the old brain or animal brain, and from there downward into the rest of the body.
Until one practices this daily, most people move energy incorrectly to some degree. Incorrectly is when energy moves upward. When this occurs, the body influences the brain too much, and the old or emotional brain influences the cortex or higher brain centers too much.
Incorrect movement of subtle energy upwards leads to emotional thinking and emotionally-charged and often irrational behavior. For details, read Downward Moving Energy And Healing.
Spirituality. As the seventh energy center opens and heals (located at the crown of the head), one often feels more connected to God, Holy Spirit, Jesus and to true guidance.
Entities, as defined on this website, are discarnate souls. This means souls that are no longer attached to bodies because the bodies have died. They can become attached to a living person and cause mischief. This is sometimes called entity possession.
The pulling down exercise, and not most other mental exercises, helps remove harmful entities from the energy field of a person. This occurs for several reasons:
1. More yang. The pulling exercise makes the body much more yang. This involves a contraction of the energy field that closes certain openings or tears in the aura or energy field, in which the entities lodge. To read more about yin and yang, read Yin And Yang Healing and Yin Disease on this website.
2. Heating up the energy field. When a person does this meditation exercise daily, the powerful downward-moving energy and more yang quality of the energy field have a heating effect on the energy field. Almost all discarnate souls do not enjoy this and they leave the person’s energy field.
3. Calming the mind and body. This effect is also is hard on discarnates, and causes some of them to leave. They prefer to hide in bodies and energy fields of those who are perpetually upset and unbalanced.
4. Better overall health. The exercise has a powerful healing effect on the entire body. Entities thrive best in sick and discouraged bodies, and tend not to remain when a person is healthy and happy.
To read much more about this topic, read Entity Attachment And Release on this website.
The process of releasing traumas through this exercise is interesting. It gently brings the mind to a peaceful place where you can view old incidents and traumas from a detached perspective, almost as if they happened to someone else. In this way, you can avoid much of the fear and anxiety that occur when old traumas are brought up to consciousness.
Also, old traumas, if they come up, will be brought up in a special order that is not your own. Instead, it is the body’s own order of trauma release. This is also important because many people think they know the correct order in which traumas should surface. In fact, we do not know the correct order because the brain is complex and the proper order of trauma release can be very subtle.
For example, incidents that you don’t even consider traumatic may have been quite so. Conversely, situation that you consider pivotal for you may really have been due to an earlier situation. You may have forgotten the earlier trauma that “set you up” for later problems. So the brain will choose the best way to bring up and release all these old traumas.
The pulling exercise is thus a bioenergetic trauma release method that is totally compatible with the trauma release concept of a development program. They complement and enhance one another beautifully. This is a major reason I ask that everyone practice this exercise daily for at least one hour. For more on this topic, please read Trauma Release and Trauma Retracing on this website.
The pulling exercise will help you witness your life in a non-morbid, detached way. It gently brings up hidden thoughts and attitudes so they can be examined objectively. The “therapy” proceeds at your own pace and brings up issues in the correct order.
Cultivating the witness in oneself shines the light of truth on every activity, relationship and event in your life. This is truly wonderful and has a powerful healing effect, providing one is willing to make needed changes, when indicated.
Negative and random, distracting thoughts begin to have less power. This is a mental effect that is quite startling to people. It has to do with observing one’s thoughts and the idea of bringing up and releasing old traumas. As this is done, the negative thoughts and feelings associated with the traumas stop coming into your mind.
You may find that oddly, you no longer feel sorry for yourself, for example. Perhaps you notice you are less angry or upset with your family. Automatically reducing this negative thinking is an incredible benefit for many people who have tried affirmations, prayer, and other methods to banish negative thoughts.
This exercise helps to de-hypnotize. Most people live in a light hypnotic trance. You probably don’t realize it, but this is true. For example, most advertising works because it set ups a post-hypnotic suggestion to buy a certain car, or perhaps brand of shampoo. It only works because most people are already in a light trance state and are easily influenced by these advertisements.
This exercise assists a person to come out of this hypnotic or very light trance state. The result is much better decision-making and often a correction of mistaken attitudes.
As a person does the pulling exercise for a number of years, imbalances in one’s personality begin to resolve. This results in greater maturity and a more integrated personality.
A group of more advanced souls called development souls enter the body when one does the pulling down procedure. They are attached to new etheric energy that enters the body with them.
Charged particles. The new energy is a type of charged particle. Doing the pulling down exercise, but not others!, sets up an electrical gradient that either pushes this new etheric energy into the body from above the head, or draws it down into the body from the feet.
To push energy down from the head to the feet, one sends a positive electrical charge to the body from above the head. This repels the positively charged new etheric downward into the body. Ideally, push the energy downward from a point about 5 feet or 150 centimeters above your head.
To pull the energy into the body, one sends a negative charge to the body from below the feet. This draws the positively charged new etheric energy down from the head to the feet. Ideally, focus on a point about 30 inches or 76 centimeters below your feet and pull the energy draw downward from there.
You can do both of these visualizations at the same time. Also, when pulling energy down, imagine pulling down so hard that your body inverts with the head moving below the feet.
Types of etheric energy. New etheric energy is different from:
1. The intrinsic etheric energy we are born with. This kind of etheric energy diminishes with age. When the amount in our bodies diminishes to a certain level, the body dies.
2. The home or environmental etheric energy we can absorb from natural foods, from the air, from water we drink, and even by standing or sitting in certain spots on the earth. This type of energy is very similar to the intrinsic etheric mentioned in the paragraph above. However, it is found outside our bodies in food, water and air.
The new etheric, unlike the other two types described above, vibrates at a frequency similar to our brains. As a result, it can be manipulated more easily by our thoughts. Bringing it inside the body with the pulling down exercise causes deep healing and development of the body. One can thereby greatly extend the life of the body - long after the intrinsic etheric is used up.
This is a great secret of health and long life. It is not nutritional in nature, except secondarily. It is primarily due to bringing in new etheric energy.
How The Development Souls Heal The Body. The souls that enter the body when one does the pulling down exercise have four main activities:
1. They heal the cell membranes. They do this mainly by working with the cell membranes, changing some of the omega-6 fatty acids to the more desirable and needed omega-3 fatty acids. This makes the cell membranes more permeable and helps them function much better.
2. Adamantine level nutrition. They nourish the cells at sub-atomic levels. This is called the adamantine level and it is the most basic level of mineral nutrition. At this level, minerals are more like energized shapes that twist etheric energy in ways that nourish the cells. One still requires good food, but this an additional benefit and means of healing the body that is unique.
What we call the elements or minerals are actually composites that are much larger than the smaller adamantine particles, of which there are 64 configurations. This is detailed in the work of Joseph Scogna, Jr. in his book, The Promethian.
2. They help remove toxins. This occurs due to regenerating the cell membranes and other body structures needed for detoxification.
3. They strengthen the DNA and RNA. They do this by:
a) Destroying mutated DNA so it cannot reproduce.
b) Lengthening telomeres.
c) Improving protein biosynthesis.
d) Making more amino acids available for biosynthesis.
e) Moving other chemicals around the cells to where they are needed.
4. They help break up adhesions in the body, particularly if a person does the neck pull while doing the pulling down exercise. We strongly recommend the Neck Pull.
Adhesions are caused by abnormal bonds, toxicity and inflammation of the tissues. Most people have some. Adhesions block the extremely tiny energy channels that run vertically from head to feet that conduct ether throughout the body. Getting rid of adhesions is required to have a long and healthy life. For details, read Adhesions.
When women begin the pulling down exercise, they often have a more difficult time with it than men. For women to succeed as well as men, here are some additional suggestions:
1. Put something inside the vagina to remind you all day to push down. Men are aided by having something hanging between their legs, reminding them to focus downward all day.
Women can create the same feeling by placing inside the vagina a small object that irritates them just a bit. The best is often a piece of Styrofoam, such as a Styrofoam packing peanut. It is about the size of a peanut. The Styrofoam is not too toxic, and it is very light in weight so it won’t easily fall out. You can “lose it” deep in the vagina, but you just reach in far enough and you will find it. Once a day, take it out and wash it off. That is all there is to it. For more details, read Vaginal Weights.
2. Visualize. Use the visualizations in the section below. Experiment to see which ones you like the best. They work.
3. If possible, teach your husband or partner to push down and teach him to do Down sex or down hugging with you. This helps because there is a compounding effect when you do it with or even just close by another. You can do it together while sitting, standing, lying down or while slowly walking together. For other suggestions for women, read Women And Development on this website.
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