by Dr. Lawrence Wilson and friends

© April 2023, L.D Wilson Consultants, Inc.


Happiness is an outcome of right living. In some monasteries and convents, the monks and nuns go through a training in happiness. Here is the basic happiness training. Learn it and practice it daily in your life.

If you do what is suggested, you will be happy most of the time. This is true even if you are not well, if you are poor, if you are lonely or alone, and if you are mentally deficient or physically disabled.

While the idea of happiness training may seem odd, it is not. Many people, no matter how much wealth, friends, careers and so on that they have, are not happy.

This is somewhat of a paradox because often those that are happy are those that have much less in the way of material items and pleasures.  This article may help you understand why this is so, and what to do about it.


Extend love to all people and things around you.  We are here to extend the Love of the Creator, so the more you do this, the happier you will be.  Also, you will realize sooner that your life is better than that of many other people, and this can make you happier, as well.

Bless the world. You might need it some day.  This simply means that the world is not so bad, though it is not perfect. Be grateful for the good aspects, such as the industry that built your house, your car, your phone and so much more.

With all situations and events, take the best and leave the rest.

See the lessons in everything.

No one really knows the Creator’s plan. So stop judging and worrying about it.

Be clean, but not too compulsively clean. Cleanliness and wholesomeness in everything you think, say, do and wear is a wonderful trait that helps with happiness.  Just don’t become so compulsive or obsessed with it that you lose your sense of balance.

Skip all drugs.  This includes new, popular items such as CBD. Your mind is a precious thing.  Dulling your mind is not the same thing as happiness. 

There is nothing like suffering and desperation to make you sweet. This is an ancient principle that still applies today.

Stay off social media.  The reason is it is full of lies in which people make their lives sound better than it is.  Your life, by comparison, may then seem boring or sad when it is not true.  Also, social media sites are sexy, and sexy is not really happy.

Forgive everyone for everything, and do it now.  Holding on to grudges, and being resentful and angry, always gets in the way of happiness. 

Forgiving does not mean that what someone did was “right”.  It just means that you are going to move on and not let the past interfere with your happiness or anything else.

Root out incorrect thoughts that are often the basis for unhappiness.  This is not always easy.  This website will help you if you keep an open mind.

Your wrong thoughts may be as simple as hating rich people or believing the media when you should not do so.  Your incorrect thoughts may stem from a trauma such as the rapes and beatings that most everyone has experienced. For details, read Rape, The Rape Planet and Beatings. You need to retrace and heal these using the development program.

Your incorrect ideas may be due to your education, or your parent’s example, or may be due to something else.  What matters is to question all your ideas and thoughts and be willing to let them go.  No exceptions or exemptions.

Let your cells and your souls sing happy songs day and night.  Did you know that your cells and the souls that live and work there talk to you?  Many people are tired, malnourished, and toxic.  As a result, their souls are not happy.  They sing sad songs to you day and night and this is why many people feel unhappy.

If you begin a development program, your cells will slowly get healthy, as will the souls that live inside the body and operate it.  When this occurs, they will send happy messages to you day and night. 

This greatly affects your happiness.  It is like having a chorus in the background at all times, either praising God and life, or cursing them because they feel rotten.  The choice is yours, much more than you think.

Live as though you are a soul.  One reason for this is it is the truth.  You are not simply a hunk of flesh or brain matter.  The basic unit of consciousness is the soul.  “You” are a group of these souls who act together to conduct your life.

Another reason to view yourself this way is that it can help you understand yourself and others.  For example, souls live a very long time and want certain experiences.  Souls love music.  Souls want to be with their friends and their “twin”, which is another soul of the opposite sex.  To learn a lot more about souls, read Soul Science and a number of other articles about souls on this website.

Live in the present moment.  Only the present is real, and it is the only place where you have power and control over your life.

The trick is to stay in the present because the ego mind tends to move easily into the past (regrets and memories) or into the future (fear and anxiety).  Doing the Pulling Down Exercise daily keeps bringing you back to the present moment.  After a time, living in the present becomes a habit.

Develop yourself.  This does not mean go to college, get married, or do yoga.  It means follow a development program carefully for a number of years.  When you do this, an unusual process occurs that we call development on this website.

Life is not just a physical existence.  Much more is possible for any human being.  Development is the unfolding of the latent potential of a human being.  One might say it is becoming a master of yourself and of the world.  For details, read Introduction To Development, Merkaba Science, and other articles about development on this site.

Read the Bible.  It contains many wise teachings.  Do not listen to those who condemn it because it opposes homosexuality or because it has too many battles in it.  It is not an outdated, old-fashioned book.  It is as valid today as it was thousands of years ago.  There may be some translation errors in it, but these do not negate the value of it.

Do at least one detoxification procedure every day.  Among the most powerful and effective are coffee enemas, spinal twists, pops and kicks, and red heat lamp sauna sessions.

Do something fun and productive with your life.  Many people live for their retirement, and do not enjoy their work.  They are always thinking of the future, and not the present.  It is best to live, work, play and stay busy in a productive way.  The rest has a way of taking care of itself if you live this way.

Smile.  It doesn’t cost any more.  This is an important principle.  However, there is an exception.  Women, especially attractive ones, which is most of them, must not smile much at men.  Unfortunately, smiling can be misinterpreted as signaling that one wants sex or even a rape.

However, with your family, for example, with your boss or employees, with your friends, and even with your computer – learn to let go of the frown and smile more, and you will be happier.

In general, material things do not bring happiness.  This is a difficult idea because society teaches that one should want a beautiful home, a large family, many friends, and more.

However, happiness is generally an inside job.  Abraham Lincoln once said, “People are about as happy as they choose to be.”  In other words, happiness is not about what you have on the outside.  It is an “inside job”.

Having a large house is not better than a small one.  Having a large car is not better than a small one, although it is generally safer and we suggest a large car for this reason.  Having a new car is not better than an old one, provided the old one runs well.  And so on.

Gratitude is the attitude. This is extremely powerful. Try to be grateful for everything, even your failures. You never know:

- If you had kept walking instead of being grabbed, raped and beaten, you might have been run over by a truck and killed instantly.

- If you had taken that dream vacation you wanted so badly but could not afford, you may have been killed in a bus accident, so be grateful!

- If you had married that gorgeous hunk, he or she might have cheated on you, given you syphilis, stolen your money and more, so be grateful!

- If you had been accepted for that incredible job, you might have been mugged or even raped by the boss, so be grateful!

- If you had put your money in that investment that is now doing well, you might not have had time to meet your wife or husband, or time for your children, or time to develop your own business, so be grateful!

Don’t be a kvetch (it’s Yiddush and it means a complainer and a whiner). This is very related to the item above.

Things could be worse, so stop whining and feeling sorry for yourself. This is a great truth that most people forget unless they have been seriously ill, bedridden or confined to a wheelchair for a few years, financially impoverished, or brainless due to a rape or an accident.

There is no time for worry, fear, whining, feeling sorry for yourself and all the other ways people waste time that do not serve them at all – not one bit. Try to remember this at all times.

Life is amazing, so make the best of it now and do your best to enjoy it. In other words, stop procrastinating, seize the moment and the day, take a few chances as long as you do not endanger yourself or others, risk your pride, and get on with life because it may be over at any time.

Life is amazing, so have some fun each day. This must be qualified. It does not mean to indulge the ego, eat junk food, race around stupidly, get drunk or take drugs, or have a lot of ordinary sex. Fun means “lighten up”. Also, Down Sex, Down Hugging, Down Kissing and the Male-Female Blending Exercises are amazing healers, heal the planet, and fun.

Laugh every day. This is simple and it works. Find something to laugh about or be silly about every day. There is plenty around!

Laugh with others or you can laugh at yourself. It means you are not so serious about yourself.

Life is amazing, so hope for the best, not the worst. Many people are pessimists.  This is different from being practical and realistic.

Pessimists are negative thinkers. Some of them do okay, but most do not. They figure they will lose out anyway, so they might as well do it now.

Instead, why not assume the world is friendly, miracles can occur, you have hidden abilities and talents, and God is good. This is just as easy and just as true, and moreso.

People who generally think positively, but realistically and carefully, have a lot more fun, achieve much more, learn much more and have a better life overall.

Life is amazing, so stop crying. Many people are sad and depressed, and they think this is religious and holy. It is not.

Life is not about wailing and bemoaning yourself and this world. Focus on the positive if you want to be happy.

No one is perfect, not even you. So relax more around people and whenever you do anything. This is a great teaching.

Perfectionism makes one unhappy, as does comparing yourself to your neighbor, your friend, your spouse, and everyone else.

So stop comparing, and stop trying to be perfect.  This does not mean not to try hard.  That is good and it is a way to be happy.  But do not compare and do not be a perfectionist.

Wear the world like a loose coat.  This means don’t take anything or anyone too seriously.  This is a big problem for many people who are so caught up with their family, their sports team, their house or car, their friends, their politics, and so on. When problems occur with their attachments, they fall apart.

Remain a little detached from everything in this world for maximum happiness.  Doing the Pulling Down Procedure every day will cause this to occur automatically.

At first, detachment is a strange feeling.  You may think you no longer care about anyone or anything.  However, this is not the truth.  You are simply becoming emotionally detached, which increases happiness.

Your attitude is your altitude.  This simply means that events will happen. What matters is your attitude about them and your judgments of them.

It means that if you can keep a good attitude, you will remain happy.  The slings and arrows of this world will not affect you nearly as much, so you will stay happy much more easily.

Learn self-acceptance and self-love at all times, no matter what is going on and no matter how you feel. This is a very powerful decision that mature people make. No self-loathing or self-hatred allowed.  If you notice something you don’t like in yourself, work on changing it.

Learn unlimitedness. It is the truth at a deep level. Only the sky is the limit.

Don’t make excuses. It is no fun.

Read the Real Self book.  It is inexpensive to buy, or you can read it free online at The Real Self.  We’re not suggesting it because we wrote it.  We suggest it because the material it contains, if you allow it, will make your thinking much more positive.

The Creator being loves you totally and unconditionally, so be happy. This is a scientific aspect of happiness. The truth is you are inside of and part of a huge fine matter living Creator being who loves you more than you can possibly imagine.

We know, this is may sound outrageous. Few have ever heard of the Biological Concept Of Space. However, it is the truth and someday all will know it and will be much happier as a result.

The being is both male and female (a hermaphrodite) and is our Creator. I am told this is the absolute truth, but it has been suppressed on our planet for thousands of years!

This does not negate any religion. It just clarifies our origin and who we really are in a scientific way. For details, read the Biological Concept Of Creation.

Some call this being The Father In Heaven. Others call it Grandfather/Grandmother, or Source or The One, or Radiant One, or Father/Mother God, or The All or The Creator.

This being wants all of its body parts to be happy, healthy and doing what they are meant to do, as explained in the next paragraph.

The basic spiritual truth is we are here on earth to be the presence of the Love of God on this planet. The more you do this, the happier you will be.

This means we are here to bring the energy, the radiance and presence of God to the world of form and physicality. (It has nothing to do with sex). You can bring this love to the world in a million ways, so the possibilities to be happy are just endless. Also, must read is The Warrior's Creed – Rules Of The Secret Society Of Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors.

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